Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Monday with AJ and Nick

 Oh, it was one of the best days! Spent outside most of the day just hanging out with Nick and enjoying the cooler weather! Actually, my toes got numb lol! After spending all morning outside with Nick, and after having a popcorn break AJ headed in for a few games of Fortnite and some down time.  He and Nick had decided they wanted McDonalds at the park later that afternoon, as AJ said, "you know, the one by your house".  This kid is a character, I noticed after he was dressed there was something not quite right...see the photo below!

They had a great time having a picnic and playing at the park for a few hours. Mom picked up AJ and boy was Grandma tired.  I had the best time with him during our break!

Don't you love his outfit, that was compliments of me! He and Nick are best buds!

Love the mismatch gloves and Pink hat that once belong to his mom.

Sunday at the Soccer Field

AJ had a huge cheering section this week!  I, Grandpa, Mom and Dad, Nonnie, Chuck and Nick all came to cheer AJ on. He made the only goal for his team; he headed home to stay all night with us!


Life Lately

Life just zooms on by, before we know it everything changes. I spent a lot of time outside the last couple of days taking in the last little bit of Summer. Of course, Monday was a bit chilly for me, but it was a great day to out and about. 

Both girls are moving right along, Ali finishing up RN school this year and Kynedy is working on purchasing a house. Pretty exciting but busy times for us.  

Just a little over a week ago I saw a hummingbird on my geraniums, it is a bit late for hummingbirds, so it was a nice surprise!


Me and my sleepy little man!


My Sweet Fur babies

 My sweet babies are getting so big! Zelda will be two this month and is the tiniest little girl I have ever had, but she has a mighty attitude! When I go on the porch, I always get stared down lol! 

Big Mac or Biggie comes with a huge tail. He is such a beautiful cat or as we say racoon!

This is Emma my porch kitty and the momma to my three brothers. 

This is sweet Hobbes precious pink nose!
Everyone needs this bowl for their cats!
Lynk and Big Mac - Brothers!
Hobbes is always asleep on my bed.
Lynk - actually not causing any chaos! Not pictured are Leo and Archie, they are my elder cats.  

AJ's Fall Break

I took the Friday and Monday off to hang out with AJ.  We had a great time, Friday his mom dropped him off that morning, he played outside with Nick until lunchtime and then he played a couple games of Fortnite and finished the afternoon hanging out with Nick.  AJ loves Nick, they have a great time when they are together.

We had cheese quesadillas and orange slices for lunch!

AJ decorated the front screen door for Halloween!
They stopped for a snack, some chips and salsa!
It was a great day, and Grandma was worn out but so satisfied!


Hello October

We kicked off October with Homecoming at Rose and a soccer game on Sunday!! AJ scored 2 goals this game!  Yard work was in order for me this weekend and I was able to get it finished. October is one of my favorite months, of course it is AJ's and I's birthday month! I am so looking forward to celebrating him turning 7!

We had a great meal at PHOE Homecoming open house!