Thursday, September 17, 2009


Ali started Middle School this year and she made the volleyball team. So far they have done well, I will have some pictures from games posted soon. Here she is practicing at Aunt Tracy's. Good Luck Ali!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Great Photo!!

Just wanted to share a photo I really like of Kynedy!

Lingering Signs of Summer

Wow it seems like summer just started. I really don't feel like we had much of a summer, It was a rather cold one if you ask me. Although I love Fall I can't say I am ready for it to be cool just yet!!! Oh well I guess I should be happy it was not too hot. Here are a few of my flowers that are left. Here comes Fall!!!

Be Careful SPIDER!!!

Of course I have to have at least one spider post this year!!!! This guy lives on my front porch, he made a huge web. The girls and I have enjoyed watching it.


Every summer when we visit Shelby there are a million hummingbirds flying around. So here are a few good shots I got during August.


I had to post a few pictures of the cats. Both are so big and doing very well. Enjoy!!

Ali Birthday

We went to Grandma Shelby's and Aunt Tracy's to cleebrate Ali birtday also, here she is opening her gifts and hanging with Shelby. ANd of course wearing her new John Deere boots!! Thank you everyone!!


Ali turned 12 on August 22nd. Here she is opening a few gifts and celebrating with some of her friends. Of course they had to go skating that evening. She choose to go shopping and pick out her own birthday presents. Happy Birthday Ali...Love you!!!

No front teeth!!

Since I can remember Kynedy has had only one front tooth! Well here she is with no front teeth!! As I type this she has one front tooth about 1/2 way in and the other about 1/4 of the way in. She will look so grown up!!
She is showing off her fancy nails!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Don's Drive Inn

Of course it took us forever to get out of Chicago, the traffic was horrible. Both girls fell asleep so we drove until we came to the windmills and this neat little drive in restaurant. The food was great the weather was beautiful, we had a great time watching the windmills and eating dinner.


On our way to Chicago, just as you enter Kentland, there are these gorgeous windmills. We really enjoyed watching them, they go on forever and are really peaceful. I took many pictures but the following are a few of my favorite!

Bears Family Day 2009!!!

We attended Bears Family day this year at Soldier Field, there were 27,000 people who attended. Here is FORTE!!!
Kynedy with her Bear claw!
Ali with her Bear popcorn.



Roger was very happy to be in Soldier Field and to have a Forte jersey!!

We love URLACHER!!! Too bad he is injured for the season!! We will miss him!


Urlacher again!

Dog show before practice

The whole family!!!