Friday, June 18, 2010

End of Spring Soccer

It was Ali's second season of soccer for Otter Creek. She did an excellent job and her team really grew this season. Here are a few action pictures I was able to get during the season. After the game the team all met up for Pizza.

End of Spring Soccer

Just a few pictures of Kynedy with her trophy...she was rather proud of herself!!

End of Season Soccer Party

Every season Kynedy's coach has a huge party at his house. Here are a few pictures of the girls enjoying themselves!
I don't think this was much of a challenge!!

I picked up Ali at a friends on our way to the party, she attending a swim party the day before and spent the night at her friends lake house with about 10 or more girls. Needless to say she was not happy and really wanted to go home to bed. She ended up having a good time!
Eating her lunch


A few pictures of the girls enjoying the pool!! Kynedy told me I was the best mommy ever because I let her swim with her clothes on....well technically she put Ali's clothes on!

Kynedy and the pool

Kynedy decided she wanted the pool up the weekend we started roofing. I got the pool out and she worked most of the morning cleaning it. She did a great job and really enjoyed hanging out in it.


I snapped this photo the day we started the roofing project, Sapphire was not very happy!!!


Roger started replacing our flat roof in the beginning of June. It is much needed but a huge mess. Here are some photos from the first week. I will post more as we go along!!
This is the big pile of mess in our yard!
No roof at all!!!

All of the supplies

We can see the sky.

Of course it had to rain the first week when we had no roof, was very interesting and messy!! We had lots of fun trying to keep everything dry!!!

Ali - North vs South Soccer

They took middle School kids and matched them with the high school they will attend and let them play a soccer scrimmage. Ali did a great job the teams ended up tied 4 to 4. She is in the purple and gold!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Kynedy's Spring School Picture

Ali's Spring School Picture

Teenage Girls!!!!!

Yep is Ali with her usual "I am so cool" pose! I still love you even though you are way too cool for me ;0)

Behind the scenes

As Kynedy's game was going on I couldn't help but noticed some of the older kids including Ali had their own little soccer game going.

Did someone say soccer????

Yeah...I have seen a few soccer games in my time. But there is nothing like spending my Sunday afternoons and Monday evenings watching two of my favorite girls play soccer. Here are a few shots of Kynedy playing.

Ali's School Projects

Ali kept really busy with the last month of school finishing some big school projects. The first is a scene from a book, she did such a great job it was displayed in the school library. She had to make a rocket for her technology class. They actually set them off at school and hers came in second, she did a great job and is very creative. Here is the finished project and of course her sister had to help show it off.