Friday, May 27, 2011

More Storm Damage Around Our Neighborhood

Yes in my last post I showed you the damage to our house, it was bad but as I drove around the neighborhood I was amazed just how strong this storm was.  In this photo there are 3 to 4 trees that got blown over, it is really amazing to see the damage.

The sign on this truck say "$1.00 donation for photos, to buy a new truck"  The tree that fell on it was HUGE!!!

Major Storm Damage

Yep all that hard work last summer was really messed up in just a second.  We had a really strong storm come through on Wednesday evening, and in no time our whole neighborhood looked like a war zone!  Thankfully, we made it to the basement just in time.  It was a pretty scary experience and left a really big mess for us, but at least we were all safe.
This is a picture of the new rafters Roger built last summer.

Yep, it hit hard and even crushed part of the kitchen wall, and some limbs came right through the roof.

Spring Soccer

Some photos from Kynedy's game this weekend.  Ali's was canceled due to weather. Hopefully they will get to make up the games.

My Little Referee

Ali has done a great job this spring referring, she has put in 3 to 5 games a weekend and made a good amount of money!  I am very proud of her!

Lexi's Prom

Last weekend Lexi (My husband's best friends daughter) went to the South prom.  She was 3 days old at our wedding,  it is hard to believe she is so grown up.

Kynedy's Photos

While we were at the North South soccer match, Kynedy took my camera.  She was rather impressed with the sunset. Here is what I found when I downloaded my photos.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Future North South Soccer Rivals!!

Last Thursday Ali played a scrimmage against future South soccer players.  It was a great game South won by one!  It should be interesting when these teams enter high school and play against each other, they are both very good.  Of course I got some great photos of Ali, she is number 13!

Kynedy enjoying some Pepsi at the game!

Egg Drop

Kynedy and Roger worked really hard making an egg drop for a contest at her school.  She was VERY excited, her egg survived and she won most creative.  She received candy and a really cute T-shirt I will post a picture of soon.  Here are some pictures from her big moment!

Mr. B dropping her egg drop!

Proud Kynedy and daddy after she won!


A couple of years ago I planted a clematis flower.  Here is the very first bloom :)

Otters vs Warriors

Ali played her other rival Wilson Warriors last Monday and we won 3 to 4.  It was a great game, Ali got to play the whole game and did excellent.  I got some really good action photos of her.

Kynedy and her friend Jaycee spent the evening playing.

Love this picture of Ali, she is the one jumping with her ponytail in the air.

It was a beautiful evening to be out watching soccer.


Yep I am still here and a bit behind, I was really over committed last week, of course it was all soccer and school related but we made it through.  I have some really nice pictures from the last very busy week though. Last weekend it was a bit chilly at the soccer fields.  Kynedy played a great game and Ali got to referee her game.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

We have spirit, how about you???

Last week was theme week at Kynedy's school.  Here she is Friday morning with her school colors on all ready to head off to school.

Thursday at the park

Well this is a little late considering I came down with a horrible illness/virus and have not been myself the last few days.  Anyways, every Thursday Kynedy has practice at Deming.  Here are some photos I got from last week.

Break time, I think she is a bit worn out LOL!!

Oh and the geese like to hang out with us!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

My Little Pirate - AARRRGGG

This week is theme week at Kynedy's school, and today was Pirate day. (I neglected to get her photo for cowboy day but she looked adorable).  Here she is with her finger as a hook LOL all ready to head out for school.  She said her name was Wild Sparrow!