Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Moving Along

The house renovations are moving right along.  They got tons done this weekend, and last night got all the trash put into the dumpster.  Since they are only working on weekends, they anticipate the project should be completed either this weekend or the following Saturday!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Progress Throughout the Day

Wow they got alot done today!  Cheeto thought he was going to jump out of the roof, he hung out on top of a ladder most of the day!  Look no sky light!!!

 All fixed!
 This was around noon today.
 Dumpster comes Monday
 WOOHOO it is finally fixed!
 These were taken at the end of the day, they worked until after 9"00 pm.  I will post more tomorrow!

And So it ALL Begins AGAIN......

Yep, that is a skylight in my kitchen...LOL!  FINALLY we got everything approved to fix our house from the tree falling on it, it all started at 6:00 am this morning, it is 9:00 now and here is what it looks like. I will post more pictures of the progress as it moves along. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Little Golf

With all the stress of the house, work, and just everyday life Sunday Roger and the girls went golfing, although I had tons of housework and laundry to do I went also to get a break!  We had  GREAT time, the heat index was over 100 but none of us seemed to mind!  Both girls did well and decided they really like to golf!!

Kynedy really liked the job of cleaning the golf balls!!

Oh How Pretty!!

We were approved by our insurance last week to start repairing our home from the tree incident.  The work will start this upcoming weekend, but Roger ripped the ruined siding off on the back of the house Saturday to get it started and here is a picture of what our house looked like when it was originally built.  Boy, can't wait to have it done!!


A rare moment of the girls hanging out together not fighting!!

Lazy Days

With the heat even the cats don't want to move much.
 I snapped this photo of the cats asleep in 24 pack boxes!

This is one of the last photos of my flowers :(....work will begin soon on our house and they will not survive...maybe next year huh!!!

The squirrels in our yard have been rather interesting to watch, they are very playful and love to hang from our bird feeder and eat.  This weekend it they laid around alot from the heat.

The Heat is ON!!!

Yep it has been REALLY hot here this week!!  I apologize for the lack of posts, it was a rather busy week last week, and since I am adjusting to my new job I have not been on the computer much!  I did snap a couple pictures to catch you up on our week though :) 
The girls are heading down the sidewalk to catch the ice cream truck!

Roger and Hollis wanted a treat too!

Yep, only in the Haute!!!  This is the ice cream truck, they sure know how to keep it cool :)

Kynedy spent her evenings swimming with some of her friends.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Moving Along on the Porch

We spent all day Friday working on the porch, it now has somewhat of a ceiling and has been stained, we still have lots to go, it will have a lighter color wood design on the front and eventually be screened in. 

Swimming at Deming

The girls are going to a different camp this summer because Deming did not offer many activities, so they asked to spend a day swimming with their old camp buddies.  This is the first time Kynedy has jumped off the diving board.  They also ended up on the local news that evening!

This and That

Just a few photos of my flowers and one I found of Cheeto on my camera....he looks rather relaxed!

This is just getting ready to bloom!

Hanging Out With My Girls!

As my week off comes to an end I  have to say I have enjoyed spending time with my girls.  We hung out around the house most days and spent some time at Deming Park and even got a little work done on the front porch.  Here are some photos of he girls having fun!