Thursday, August 30, 2012

Annual North vs South Football Game

Friday evening Ali & her friends headed out to the North vs South Liberty Bell game (this is a HUGE deal in the high school world) they all went as Fruity Freshmen!!  North took the Liberty Bell home this year with a score of 27 to 10, congratulations North!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Happy 15th Birthday Ali!!

The last week is what we call birthday week around our house!  Roger had a birthday and Ali celebrated her 15th birthday, Jeffrey turned 16 and Christian will be 18!!  Ali also won a spot on North's Homecoming Court!  Congratulations Ali!  I sure hope you had a wonderful birthday, you deserve it! Although you are growing up to become a beautiful, intelligent and talented young lady, you will always be my baby!  Love you so much!

TH North vs Bloomington North

JV ended with a 4 to 3 win and Varsity came out with a 7 to 4 win, the girls played hard and were very happy with the outcome.  Way to go Patriots!!  Kynedy was ball kid for the day!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Sunday with Family

We spent Sunday afternoon celebrating the girls and Roger's birthday.  It was a beautiful day and we all had a great time.  I took three of the most beautiful girls in the world out for some photos. 
Roger working hard!
Enjoying some lunch!
Watching Football!!

Feels Like Fall!

We spent Sunday hanging with family for our summer birthdays. The weather here has been beautiful and reminds me of fall.  I was able to get out and some some photos. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

North vs Sullivan

Ali played her first official High School Soccer game on Tuesday, it was an AWESOME game North won 6 to 0!!  Ali is #13 and did a great job!