Friday, June 12, 2015

My Masterpiece

We had our annual retreat for work and this year we did the wine and
canvas event and painted an elephant.  I was happy with my results!

Ali's Junior Prom

Ali attended her junior prom with some friends. 
She looked gorgeous and her dress was beautiful!

Kynedy's Concert Choir

Kynedy at her last concert of the year. 
Her school won gold!  They did a wonderful job!

Kynedy and Roger

Waiting for Ali's soccer game to start!

Ali's Spring Travel Soccer season

Even after a really bad injury to Ali's ankle coming into the Spring season
she had one of her best seasons, scoring 3 goals!
She starts her senior season of soccer at North!
Drop ball she won!
This is one goal she made.

Kynedy's Spring soccer season

Kynedy had an awesome season finished up with only loosing one game. 
She is always smiling!

Nikki's Senior Prom

Nikki, Ali and Aiden before Nikki's senior prom. 
These two have always been such good friends


Leo is now a year old, he is a big cat!! He is still as crazy as ever and keeps us on our toes!  I was able to catch the stray gray female that lives outside and have her spayed, so no more kittens for us.


I am back, I don't seem to have much time to post on my blog, so watch out I have a few posts to update you on.  The weather has been just the way I like!  We had a great soccer season, I will post pictures in the following posts. Some things we have been up to lately....  we are in the middle of remodeling Kynedy's room, I will eventually post photos. The girls are settled for the summer and both working, Kynedy leaves for Florida for two weeks, Ali went to the junior prom and has started soccer conditioning as a senior!  Boy where does time go! Here are a few pictures of the season!.