Thursday, January 31, 2019

A Simple Reminder

I believe this to be very true!  You definitely get what you put out!!  If you wish for something then do the same yourself.  In the end you will receive what you need.  You never know what someone else is experiencing in life, be mindful.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Christmas 2018

We had a WONDERFUL Christmas. 17 days off, lots of fun, shopping, wrapping, and baking with my girls. The best part was watching AJ enjoy all of the festivities.  He wasn't too interested in opening gifts, he just enjoyed all of the fun going on around him and he found the bag of wrapping paper and seemed to enjoy throwing it all around the most.  He is such a ray of sunlight, always being his silly self!  The girls seemed to really enjoy the season also. We had our annual Chinese dinner on Christmas day, this year Amanda came and celebrated with us. 
There are tons of pictures to follow!

I LOVE Christmas trees!
AJ with his Christmas Eve Eve gift
My sweet Kynedy, she worked so much over break but did get a few days to relax!
Christmas at Grandma Billie's
Sweet little family
Christmas with Grandma Shelby
AJ at his house opening gifts
Christmas morning at home
Just some photos of my decorations
The sweetest face ever!!!