Monday, February 28, 2022

Long Winter

I am not really a winter person, I could do without all of it. If I had my way it would be hot and sunny all the time.  We have had a few ice storms and some snow, but I have not been out and about to get any photos.  Here are a couple photos of the ice, and a great cat lady picture at the end! 


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

AJ's Many Faces

Just a few photos of silly AJ from last weekend.  
Never a dull moment with him around!


Monday, February 21, 2022

Crazy Weather


We have had rain, snow, ice and sunshine all in one day the last week.  We received lots of rain which left a lot of standing water!  I was able to get a few photos of the water and an old factory they are demolishing in town. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

My Valentine's


Had a quick visit with the girls and AJ last night, they stopped by for their valentines and to eat dinner.  Kynedy and I ran the chocolate covered strawberries to my mom and Christian, which made me so happy.  Kynedy had not seen grandma Billie since COVID started. It was a wonderful evening!

AJ got a new sorry game and of course was ready to play!

The geese did not want me to leave work yesterday. lol

Monday, February 14, 2022

Happy Valentine's Day


Happy Valentine's Day. 
 Homemade chocolate dipped strawberries

Sweet Little Man


Saturday is always so much fun when AJ is at the house. We played games, hide and seek, ate McDonalds and fell asleep in the chair!
Cheeto taking his afternoon nap

Friday Morning Sky

Just a gorgeous morning on campus!


Thursday, February 10, 2022

My Valentine


I decorated just a tiny bit for Valentine's day and sent a picture of goodies I got AJ to him.  The dog bag is full of chocolate hearts.  AJ saw it and said "Dog Food" in his questionable voice.  It made my whole evening!  Love that little guy so much!

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Silly Saturday with AJ

AJ hung out at our house Saturday, we kept busy with games, hot wheels, and a visit from aunt Kynedy. He has quite the personality and is always up to something.

All ready to head home.


Monday, February 7, 2022

Such a Worker


Kynedy headed to Lafayette on Tuesday evening to plow snow for four days.  She said she slept around 6 hours total and maybe ate 3 hot meals.  So very proud of her she was working with almost 18" of snow and with 3 men.  I am happy she is home and safe.

Damn Snow

Last week we received a wonderful snow storm, measuring right around 8" what a mess....but oh so beautiful!
Snow drift at the back door


Roger is Back to Work

Roger headed back to work today, I sure hope he takes it easy and does not do too much.  His scars are healing very well.  I sure hope he starts feeling so much better.