Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Break Time

We are heading into our winter break, a whole 19 days off!  I spent last weekend shopping with Kynedy and AJ, we had a great time, AJ headed home with us, made a candy house and stayed up late playing Fortnite.  I got to spend the weekend with some of my favorite people.  Ready for break, you won't hear from me for a while.

Sage's Christmas Program

I was able to attend Sage's Christmas program.  She did a great job and looked absolutely beautiful. 
Tracy would be so proud of all of them.



I am enjoying watching AJ play basketball this season, he is starting to understand the game and has me in stitches the whole time.  I love spending this precious time with him.


AJ's Christmas Program

I have more pictures but will post later after I download my camera.  AJ's Christmas program was awesome, the theme was the 50's.  AJ and his best friend Maddox looked great and did an amazing job. 


Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Kynedy's Senior Dinner

Roger and I attended Kynedy's senior dinner at SMWC, she has worked extremely hard through her college career and is heading to graduation day!  She starts her student teaching this year and I can't wait to watch her grow as a teacher!  We are all so proud of all of her accomplishments.


Kitty Chaos Update

This year I decided to put the tree up and buy some plastic cheap Christmas bulbs and have a Christmas tree for the kitties! I knew they would not leave it alone, and I didn't want to chance them breaking my ornaments.  They are truly enjoying the tree and make sure the decorations don't stay on for long. 

Advent calendar for the kitties!

Zelda and Big Mac are best friends.
Hobbes with his new toy.
Zelda is the sweetest girl!

Annual Girls Shopping Day

Saturday the 2nd, Ali, Kynedy and I headed to Perry's Crossing for a fun day of Christmas shopping. Target is always our first stop; it was a great day with lots of memories made. 

We had lunch at the Bru Burger and Kynedy was finally old enough to have a drink this year!  I am so blessed with these two beautiful, kind girls!



Monday, December 11, 2023

What a Few Weeks

What a crazy few weeks it has been.  I started off Thanksgiving week with a vicious stomach flu, I puked for over 12 hours.  It was awful, it took many days to get my energy back. Wednesday of the following week I wake up to another spider bite (or some kind of bite.) What a mess, it made me so sick to my stomach, after two antibiotic shots and two different antibiotics by mouth, I think it is beginning to heal a bit.  

This is how it started.

This is about 7 days in.

And three weeks later. 


Friday, November 17, 2023

Grandparents' Day


I sure love this whole grandparent role!  Roger and I attended grandparents' day this week with AJ. They sang us a song, told a poem, and made us all pictures. We visited the book fair and ate some donuts and juice.  AJ was so excited; it was such a great time.

Fun Week

Aj got to stay all night on Monday so his mom could start her Nursing orientation.  He did so well, I had a great time chatting with him while we got ready for school and work.  He is such a sweet, smart little man and growing up so fast.

At bedtime I found Big Mac all nice and comfy sleeping on the bottom bunk all by himself!


Monday, November 13, 2023

Easy Weekend

We had a fairly quiet weekend.  I worked around the house, caught up on some sleep, took time to visit with mom and of course I hung out with my sweet cats! 

Big Mac is giving me the side eye!
Look at that belly!
Three brothers!

Red breasted hawk, he was beautiful!


Friday Night Basketball


What a BLAST!  It has been a while since I have watched little ones play basketball.  The beginning of the game was so funny, they were not sure what they were doing.  AJ ended up with a basket and many steals.  I can't wait to see him grow as a player this season.  The pictures were taken on my phone and not the best.

 But would you just look at #4!

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Foggy Morning

I took this photo on the way to work this morning.  It was extremely foggy, very strange it was worse in the city.  This is taken by the old General Houseware building they are tearing down. It made for a beautiful photo and great start to my morning.  The weather has been mild for November, I mowed the grass and blew leaves this weekend, hopefully done until next year!  We have started planning for the Holidays and I am so ready for the time I can spend with my family.  



Fall Party Fun

Ali, AJ and I attended Funkhouser's Fall Party, oh my goodness it was the 20th year.  We spent many years when the girls were little at this fall party!  Jay and Michelle are some of the best people and have been so good to us.  AJ had a blast!  He was a bit concerned that on the drive there, no cars were around, and he said it was creepy.  He got used to being in the country and had a great time making friends, seeing deer, hitting the pinata, and the hayride was the best. 

He stayed all night and could not wait to play Fortnite with Grandpop!

AJ and his new friend

Pinata time!
He had the best time on the hayride!


The Sweet Moments

Brothers...they love each other.  
I love watching the 3 of them make chaos together!

Zelda and Hobbes!  Zelda thinks they are her babies!
Sweet Hobbes! Seriously he is the sweetest.


Tuesday, October 31, 2023

AJ's Last Soccer Game of the Season

Boy was it a cold and wet one! I so remember all those games in the rain, snow, HOT and freezing weather.  AJ played a good game and had a great season; he learned a lot. Now, he starts basketball.

Reminds me of Ali.
AJ and his medal!