Monday, October 18, 2010

The Weather with Ali and Kynedy

During Fall break the girls and I took a trip to the new Children's Museum in Terre Haute. The following pictures really made me laugh when I looked back at them. The idea is to act like you are on TV doing the weather forecast. This is the fist picture....not sure Ali knows what to do yet, Kynedy she is fascinated by being on TV. Still here...clueless and now Kynedy is mesmerized!!
They are starting to get into it, Ali has a little trouble getting out of the way and Kynedy just can't get over that it is snowing!!!

Now there is a tornado, by the looks on their face it seems it is just right outside the window.

And the final photo, here we have a hurricane, Ali isn't to worried about it and somehow Kynedy must be jumping up and down it looks like her hair is blowing in the wind and she is a little more concerned about the hurricane!! Anyways I hope you enjoyed the weather report!

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