Friday, February 25, 2011


I woke up this morning to snow...imagine that and of course with that came a two hour delay for school. Besides the fact we have had tons of snow it was rather beautiful. Kynedy said it reminded her of the shaved ice she gets during the summer, she was ready to add some flavored syrup and indulge. So as I headed out for the slippery ride to daycare and then work I brought along my camera to get some photos of the beautiful snow! Even though I took some of the photos as I was driving they didn't turn out too bad. It is the afternoon here now and most of it has melted, and it looks like we will get some warmer weather this weekend. Enjoy the photos!! This is the bell tower outside my window at work.


Well Ali had her last regular basketball game last night, and it was GREAT! Even though it had only been a week since her injury she was determined to play...and she did. They played Wilson, at first Wilson was killing us, but the second half our girls came back STRONG. In the end we lost but only by 3! I was very proud of Ali, especially since her ankle is still swollen and bruised. Wilson usually beats our team pretty bad...but not this time, the girls worked together as a team! Great job Lady Otters!!!

Ali is a really good blocker

And starting tonight #31...Ali Sladek!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Back in the Game

Ali sprained her ankle last Thursday and had to miss the Honey Creek game but she was back at it on Tuesday against Chauncey Rose. They won the game 42 to 8, and Ali did a great job playing less than a week after her injury! Just after she made a basket!
I love this photo, you can see that pain will not hold her back!

Busy Weekends

Last weekend was so crazy, between running Ali everywhere and the girls having company stay over, working at the skating rink there was not too much time left over. Sunday afternoon we spent the day celebrating Shelby and Stephen's birthday I forgot my camera so I have no photos :( Kynedy had a friend stay over Saturday night and they went skating and stayed up late watching TV and hanging out in Ali's room.
Cheeto coming out of Ali's basketball bag after a long nap :)

Tatum ~

Lady Otters

I am a bit behind posting. Ali has been able to get a couple games in, but they are not able to make up the games that were cancelled due to the ice storm. This is before she sprained her ankle, they lost this time to Sarah Scott but it was a great game. She is number 31.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Around Here....

I have no photos to post at this moment...well I do but I just have not had time. Last week Roger and Kynedy were sick most of the week and then on Thursday I arrived at school to watch Ali play basketball only to find out she had injured her ankle. She had came down on the side after going in for a rebound and it was huge so plans changed and we headed to the ER for a close to 3 1/2 hour wait to find out if she had broken her leg for the third time!!! Of course Ali thought she was fine and was very upset that she could not play the game.

Luckily she had a nasty sprain and that was all, so a few days in a brace and on crutches and she can play basketball. So tonight she will be back on the court, this is an easy game for her team so I doubt she will get much playing time but hopefully she will be ready for a bigger game on Thursday. I sure hope she takes it easy.

I am sure I will have some photos up by the end of the week of her last couple of games.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!!

I was able to get a picture of each of the girls this morning before school. This isn't an easy chore. We are usually rushing to get out the door. Here Kynedy is making sure her lip gloss is perfect for her Valentine's Day at school!! Ali opening her Valentine's goodies, she was still half asleep and not really up to a photo.

Ahhhh Sunshine

Sunday was a Gorgeous day, I woke up to the SUN!! The temperature was around 50 to 55 which was very pleasant compared to the weather we have had! I worked Saturday evening and stayed up late so I slept in Sunday and boy did it feel good. Ali stayed at a friends so Kynedy and I had to venture out to get her and take a few pictures of our friend Lexi. I caught Kynedy and got a few of her in the sunshine
I hope to have a few more days like Sunday!

Kynedy's Last Basketball Game

Kynedy finished her basketball season Friday night. The pictures will be confusing because she is actually on the blue team but played for the green team because they did not have enough players. She is wearing the really long green shirt. Here in this photo she has a ball for a head LOL!

She got a free throw!!!

Kynedy and her teammates with their medal! You may notice some girls are small and some are bigger, the teams consisted of 3rd through 6th grade this year since so few signed up.

Kynedy and her best friend Erika!! She had a great time and learned alot about basketball!

Lady Otters

Well Ali got another game in last week, they lost but played a GREAT game.
Ali got 2 free throws and made both!!

Kynedy LOVES to visit the concession stand!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Disco Kynedy

Kynedy attended her first disco night at school Wednesday. I curled her hair and she did her make-up, she looked beautiful!! She was very excited and enjoyed the evening with her friends.

Basketball Resumes

Ali was able to get in game #2 of the season. They played Sarah Scott, the girls had combined their team at the Boys Club this season so Ali had fun playing against her friends. Otters won 27 to 17, Ali did very well and got a 3 pointer. She is #31.

Kynedy and her buddy Alex!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Just a Little Snow

Well Saturday we were expecting just a little snow....but when I woke up it was a little more than they had called for. I am not complaining of course because after the ice I will take any amount of snow any day!! It was clearly a beautiful snow fall, just not at a good time. Ali's coach had called Friday evening excited they would have practice Saturday, that changed about 45 minutes before it started. I went out later and got a few pictures of how beautiful it was.

Collett Park