Monday, March 28, 2011

Weekend Projects - 2

 We stayed busy this weekend just working around the house. Roger worked hard in the yard trying to clean it up a bit. (I didn't get photos I was inside working) we had a horrible mess from our construction and the weather.  I worked hard getting Ali's room cleaned and put back together.  Her dresser had fallen all the way apart (sorry no photos) it was BAD!  I did get a couple photos of the work in progress and then the final results.  I still have to get her curtains back up, but it sure looks much better. 
You would not believe the mess a 13 year old leaves behind!!!

Kynedy is ready to PARTY!!!

Saturday Kynedy went to an indoor swimming party for a friend. 
She was VERY excited. 

Kynedy - New Bathing Suit

As I write this it really isn't bathing suit weather...brrrr!! But Kynedy had a swimming birthday party this weekend, so Friday evening the girls and I headed out to get dinner and to stop by Walmart to get bathing suits and a birthday gift.  Ali and Kynedy both found really cute suits for this summer. 
Kynedy modeled her suit before she went to her party.  

And the funny face photo!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Flashback Friday

Ali 2009 - First broken leg

Kynedy 2007 - Love the braids

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Kitty Cats

I tried last night to get some photos of our cats.  I think I need to do a little practicing, it was not an easy job!  The flash really irritates them so they close their eyes, and then they move really fast or they want to be right in your face. So here is the best shot I got of Sapphire.

Actually Cheetos photo turned out pretty good, he was very occupied watching a few birds and I just got lucky and snapped this gorgeous photo of him with his tongue out. 
Hopefully I will master photographing my cats eventually.

Yard Work

Kynedy has been outside every evening this week picking up sticks, gumballs and stuff in the yard, she takes great pride in helping out around the house, of course it comes with a price :)  We have a gumball tree which I like to refer to as the "pain in the ass tree" it takes forever to clean them up after winter, and don't think about running through the will fall on your butt. 

Kynedy took time to pose for a few photos

And here it is the funny face photo!


Yes we have flowers....finally.  I have been waiting for the arrival of some beautiful blooms and sure enough last night there they were.  Since we are still under construction at my house I won't get to work with my flowers that much this year so I have to enjoy them while I can. 

Monday, March 21, 2011


Yes...Sunday was the first day of spring!!! Just think soon these will bloom and I can post some photos of my gorgeous flowers! 

Weekend Projects

I am so GLAD it is getting warm , I have many projects that I need to do. This weekend I HAD to organize Kynedy's room.  She had a bin hanging from her ceiling that broke and it seemed like everything that didn't have a place ended up in her room, not to mention she had TONS of clothes that needed sorted.  So I got busy.  I took some photos but I took the floor photo after I had sorted through her shoes, it was much worse.  Here is her bed with all the stuff that had no home.

Here is the final picture, it still needs some work but at least you can walk in it!!

Sunday at Our House

Growing up we always had a huge feast on Sunday, I always loved Sundays and food!!  So Roger and I try to make something big most Sundays!  So we made homemade lasagna, and a salad, Hollis was over helping Roger and Amanda stayed for dinner, it was delicious! 
Of course I have a series of photos to show just how GOOD it looked!

The picture with the house is the gift I got from the girls trip to the corner variety shop!

YUMMY!! Ready to eat!

Lettuce and cucumber salad.....YUM!!

Pretty Girls

We had a great weekend, the girls got up on Sunday and spent some time getting ready, they were on their way to the variety store down on the corner.  Every day we drive by and Kynedy says "is it open"  I say "yes but it is too cold"!  So she was on a mission Sunday.  Ali did her hair and Kynedy threw on a hat and the two of them headed out.  They came home with collars for the cats and a picture for me.  They always buy me some type of decoration; it is rather sweet!  I got some pictures of them as they were getting ready to leave, I am so glad the sun is out!!

A Warm Evening

Last Thursday was absolutely gorgeous...with a bit of wind!!  I left work a little early to pick up Ali from detention, ran and got Kynedy and her daycare was having a fundraiser so we picked up spaghetti dinners; which allowed us more time outside.  So the girls headed to the park as I finished picking up the house, then I was out the door. I ran into a friend and visited with her on her porch swing with the girls.  Then Kynedy and I walked around the park and enjoyed being outside, the park was so busy this evening it was great to see the kids out playing. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

This Week

As I said earlier this time of the year is slow for me (at least a couple weeks) so this week we visited my mother for her birthday, did some much needed housework, made some good food :) and just hung around the house in the evening.  Today it is going to be around 70 and I am so excited!!!  I hope soon I am posting pictures of all the spring flowers. On Tuesday I brought home a huge box of legos leftover from a contest and the girls have had a ball making stuff.  It really is amazing they had legos for years and never touched them when they were young.  Yesterday when I arrived home from work Ali had built a house, it had to take her at least an hour and it turned out great!

The night before Kynedy worked very hard making a garage and a couple of cars. 
I can't wait to see what else they create.

Kynedy wanted a bead door for her room, so for Christmas I bought her one....well we just got around to hanging them this week.  I had to take some photos of them, they kept catching my eye and are very pretty when the lights hit them.  And best of all Kynedy is very happy!!

Happy Birthday Mom!!

On Tuesday my mom turned 69!! We all got together to celebrate that evening at her house.  We ate and had cake and ice cream.  Of course my family is not too thrilled when I bring out the I had a little trouble getting pictures.  Then they seemed to be willing to let me take silly pictures of them.  This is my brother, his girlfriend Sandy and my mother.
And Ali and my sister.

You can tell Ali is my child....she is use to the camera!
Kynedy and Autumn had a great time hanging out with each other.

Mike and Sandy

Jeffrey with his silly photo!

Lexi showing us her talent!!!

And Ali looking ever so beautiful LOL!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Down Time

That is what I call this time of year!  We have no sports going on at this time, so I have some down time.  Last week consisted of Ali's Winter Sports Awards and then all weekend Ali went to soccer referee classes, that kept me busy enough running her back and forth.  She passed her test and is now a certified soccer referee...congratulations Ali!! I was able to get some photos of her and some of her teammates at the awards ceremony.
Ali with the microphone.  The girls did a great job thanking their coach!
Ali with her basketball award!  Great Job Ali!!