Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas at Rose-Hulman

My beautiful girls heading out to the Christmas party at Rose-Hulman.

Kynedy's Christmas Program

Last Friday was Kynedy's Christmas program for her daycare.  She had a singing and speaking part and did an awesome job!  I can't believe it is her last year doing a program :(  On another note after the school shooting on I dropped Kynedy off at school this morning she noticed there being many police officers at her school and was really concerned why,  I tried to give her the words of comfort she would need to make it through the day knowing anything could happen.  It broke my heart to see such a sweet, young and innocent child worry as she walked through the doors of her school.  Such a horrible tragedy for all of those in CT, my heart goes out to them.

Friday, December 7, 2012

It's Beginning to Look alot Like Christmas

Actually I decorated right after Thanksgiving but have not had a chance to post some photos.  The girls and I love decorating for Christmas and so far the tree has survived the new kitten. December is going by very fast with many, many activities and Christmas events. 
I am just counting the days until my two week break with the girls.

School Projects

Kynedy's class got two rats this year and have been watching how they grow. 
She had to make a poster on their progress. 
She is an expert on posters now.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, ours was wonderful and low key!  We started with lunch at my mom's and had dinner with Roger's family later that afternoon.  Then later that evening the girls and I including Christian headed out for a fun evening of Black Friday shopping! 
We found some really great deals and had a delicious meal at 1 am.
It was a great adventure and we were all home and in bed by 4:30 am.

Meet "Archie"

Well I was able to find homes for our stray Mommy cat and two kittens, we decided to keep the male.  He has been a great addition to our family.  Both of our cats do fine with him, Cheeto is much better with him and Sapphire is good as long as Archie stays away from him. We named him Archie after almost a week of no name, and so far he is a ball of fire always ready to play.
I can't wait to watch this little guy grow!

Soccer Awards Banquet

Ali and Taylor at the soccer Awards Banquet.  Congratulations Ali on winning best defender. 
Can't wait until next season!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I have to share....

Last week was final week for Ali, she didn't seem to nervous and did very well on all of her finals.  But this particular final she brought home last night made my heart melt.  She had to write an essay about her Knight In Shining Armor, if you know Ali she isn't to fond of telling you how she feels and is a typical teenager.  So here you go the essay that made my day:

Every story has its hero, my hero isn't some tough, barbaric, web-shooting person but a 5ft brown-eyed woman. My hero is my mother.

My mom Trudy Sladek is the most heoric hero I could ever ask for, she feeds me, takes me places, and cares for me.  My mom and I have this unbreakable bond that no one will ever understand.  She is brave, very brave and she is independent, she stands up for mine and her rights.  She deserves an award for the best super-hero without a cape.

So my hero isn't a knight in shining armor, but a mom in snazzy blazers.  I couldn't ask for a better mom, supporter, or hero than her.  She flies around making sure I am safe and making the right decisions.  Does your hero do that for you???

Yep I love it and for the record I could not ask for a better 15 yr old daughter :)   I am very thankful that I have made such an impression on my daughter.  Love you Ali!!

Last Friday Night

Ali and her friend Josh hosted a party for 30 of their friends.  It turned out to be a great evening with some really neat freshman!  Kynedy sure enjoyed hanging with the older kids! 
 I am thankful for the friends that support my daughters!

Veteran's Day

Kynedy has worked all year at school putting together the DVD for the Veteran's Day program at her school.  It was last Friday and she did an awesome job.  I am so thankful my girls are not shy and love to sing and speak in public!
Going over details with her teacher!

November = BRRRRR....

I know you are suppose to be thankful in November so I am thankful for the HOT summer we had and thankful for my furnace!!! The first weekend of November consisted of sleeping and playing with our kittens.  They soon will go to new homes :( but until then we sure are enjoying watching them play.
I caught the girls taking a well needed nap!