Tuesday, February 28, 2012


It has been awhile since I have posted, we have been busy the last few weeks with illnesses, work, sports and many over night guests! LOL!  Kynedy has been ill and missed her first day of school yesterday, she is at home with Roger (who is ill now) today but is much better.  Ali has been busy with her friends and soccer conditioning, I ended up with 6 girls total at my house Saturday night, it was busy but fun!! Kynedy is doing 8 more weeks of gymnastics, signing up for volleyball and soon soccer season will start. I have been busy at work and then Saturday evening at the skating rink...it has been packed.  I have this week off and am looking forward to a quiet Saturday evening for a change.  
I have posted a photo from last spring...oh I can't wait!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Gymnastics with Kynedy

Kynedy had her second gymnastics class yesterday evening, she is really enjoying it.  I remembered my camera so here are a few photos.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Actually just the same ole' running my girls.  It has been nice not having a ball game or practice every evening.  Kynedy loved her first gymnastic class, I didn't get pictures but hope to this week.  The girls spent most of the weekend at the local skating rink, Friday evening they hung out with an upcoming recording artist/friend and Saturday I had to work the late skate which is until 1:30, pretty late for an old lady like me!!!  We got a bit of snow Friday evening, it melted and then we got more Monday evening for a short time until it melted.  The weather is just way too warm for snow.  Here's hoping it stays warm.
Ali and Isaiah Pittman V
Kynedy with Brenaye
The Gang!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

There is an End to Basketball

Kynedy finished her basketball season Monday evening, she had a great season and improved a bunch!!  After 4 months of basketball I was ready for a break from basketball.  Of course Kynedy is starting gymnastics this evening and Ali has soccer conditioning every Friday, we have gone non stop since the beginning of September with one sport or another every evening and weekend, so this a nice break for us.  

Monday, February 6, 2012

Kynedy's Cheer Debut

Last weekend Kynedy attended a cheer clinic at South, they did their routine Friday evening at a South basketball game.  She did an excellent job!  Here she is waiting for showtime!!!

Her fans!
Go Kynedy!

Oh the Weather!

The weather has been very mild so far this winter with some really beautiful sunny days.  The sunrise and sunset has been gorgeous, this was the sunrise on Friday morning taken through my car window, it was beautiful!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


The sunset as I drove home yesterday was gorgeous and changed all the way home.  These are original photos (I cropped but did not enhance them at all).  It was just a gorgeous evening!  Sure makes me want spring to arrive really fast!!!!

A Day at the Museum with Kynedy!

Beware there are MANY photos to follow.
Kynedy, Gabi and Kassie.
The train was very LOUD!!!
In front of the water clock
At the Dinosphere exhibit
Digging for fossils
Barbie exhibit....my favorite!
Kynedy on the runway!
The original Barbie :)
Kynedy designing her Barbie dress
The Egypt exhibit
Serving me lunch
I love the background painting
A Science experiment with a peacock feather
Mr. Potato Head
Can't leave without riding the carousel
Fun with mirrors
Ready to head home