Monday, April 30, 2012

Oh What a Week!

Last week started off very sad with a memorial service for our President here at Rose, by Monday evening Kynedy was not feeling well and running a temperature after volleyball.  She ended up sick ALL week and still not well over the weekend.  Thursday morning we were at the doctor with a 104.6 temperature, OH NO that was as high as I wanted it.  After a shot of penicillin and plenty of rest she is doing better today and made it to school still not back to herself.  She insisted she was better Saturday morning and was fever free and begged to run her race with Steve Weatherford, she made it and ran the race only to go straight to bed when she finished.   Ali and I headed to the soccer fields Sunday leaving Kynedy home not so happy, I made her take one more day of rest to heal and miss her game.  I hope she does OK at school today and continues to get better.
A reenactment at Fairbanks Park

The girls with Steve Weatherford

Kynedy and friends at the race

There they go!

Finishing up the race

Kynedy with her medal...not feeling to well :(

Great job Kynedy, I am so proud of you!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Kind of a Soccer Game

Ali's regular Monday night game got moved to Wednesday due to honor awards ceremony.  They didn't even make it to the half and it started to storm, so the game was cut short. We won 1 to 0.  Hopefully we can find time to play this team again.

This is a funny shot of Ali, I think she does not want to lose her ball!

Congratulations Ali!!

I am very proud of you Ali!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sunday Soccer - Kynedy's 2nd Game

Kynedy had another win on Sunday, 6 to 3.  She did a great job, she played forward and goalie and did not let anyone score on her.  I got some really good photos of her in action.

Got it!

Another stop

And another


Waiting for Ali to finish refereeing!

It was a beautiful day!

Cold but Beautiful

I spent most of the day Sunday at the soccer field while Kynedy played and Ali refereed.  It was really windy and a bit cold but the sky was BEAUTIFUL!! 
Kynedy took a couple of the photos.

Weekend of Soccer

As many of you know Friday was a sad day for many of my friends and co-workers.  Always cherish the time you have with your loved ones, you never know when it will be the last time you see them.  We lost our leader at work and someone I considered a friend very suddenly.
This weekend was also the Midwest Soccer Classic it was very busy.  I lucked out and did not have to be at the fields Saturday (and boy was it cold) I did have to be there for Ali to ref at 8 am Sunday and it was still cold.  It was PACKED and looked like a carnival.  Ali refereed all day and brought in some pretty good money.  We left the soccer field around 7 pm was a fun but long day!

Food and more the Sati Babi!

Writing goals down

Checking for shin guards
RIP Matt Branam
Thank you for the opportunity you have given me.
You will be missed
7/2/54 - 4/20/12

Friday, April 20, 2012

Ali's Spring School Photo

Ali heading to school on photo day.  She is such a beautiful young lady!  Love you Ali!!

Clubhouse Fun

Yesterday evening Kynedy and McKenzie decorated the playhouse it was a Spongebob Squarepants theme.  I sure remember the days Ali would spend all day in the clubhouse playing with friends, oh boy time sure flies!

Go Mustangs!

Kynedy played her second volleyball game yesterday evening, she did well. 
Let's play some VOLLEYBALL!!
Down and Ready!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Glasses for My Girls

Both girls needed glasses, Ali can't see far away and Kynedy can't see close, talk about opposites! Anyways we picked up their new glasses yesterday and now they can see! 
They both look gorgeous!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Evening Sky was this beautiful!!

Spring 2012 Soccer - Ali's First Game of the Season

This is Ali's last season of Middle School soccer, soon she will be playing for North. We played North Clay last night and won 17 to 2 it was a great game!!  Ali played her usual defender but is stepping up this year and playing mid field in hopes to get a goal.  Last night she was very close but the goalie got it at the last minute.  I look forward to watching her finish up her middle school soccer career!!  Good luck Otters!!!