Monday, April 30, 2012

Oh What a Week!

Last week started off very sad with a memorial service for our President here at Rose, by Monday evening Kynedy was not feeling well and running a temperature after volleyball.  She ended up sick ALL week and still not well over the weekend.  Thursday morning we were at the doctor with a 104.6 temperature, OH NO that was as high as I wanted it.  After a shot of penicillin and plenty of rest she is doing better today and made it to school still not back to herself.  She insisted she was better Saturday morning and was fever free and begged to run her race with Steve Weatherford, she made it and ran the race only to go straight to bed when she finished.   Ali and I headed to the soccer fields Sunday leaving Kynedy home not so happy, I made her take one more day of rest to heal and miss her game.  I hope she does OK at school today and continues to get better.
A reenactment at Fairbanks Park

The girls with Steve Weatherford

Kynedy and friends at the race

There they go!

Finishing up the race

Kynedy with her medal...not feeling to well :(

Great job Kynedy, I am so proud of you!

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