Monday, May 7, 2012

Noon until 8 pm at the Soccer Field

Sunday I had field duty, referee duty, fundraising duty and closing duty at the soccer fields.  Luckily I had some help, the day was perfect and Kynedy was well enough to help me and play her game.  It was hot, but I like the hot weather. Ali had to work all three games and Amanda came along to help out. 
It was a great day and I was so happy that I got to spend it with my girls.
On the golf cart giving rides!
Ali working hard! She also had to ref two games on Saturday!

The fields
My sweet 9 year old!
Kynedy's team
Kynedy lost her first game but not by much, the teams were very comparable. 
She played very well after being down two weeks with a high temperature.

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