Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Beating the Heat

This is how we stay cool! 

Teenage Girls and Late Nights

About every weekend we have a few guests stay at the house.  I love waking up the next morning and peeking in to see how they all slept...but this was the best one.  I found "T" in a pair of sun glasses, a hoodie and using the DVD player as her pillow!!  Oh how I will miss them when they all grow up!!

Kynedy's Birthday

My baby turned 10 on the 4th of July!  We usually get together with family and let fireworks off but it was so dry so Kynedy went the evening before with a friend to watch fireworks and then stayed at her house.  We spent the afternoon of the 4th at Grandma Billie's eating and having cake.  Kynedy asked that we do a scavenger hunt with her presents and she wanted a small cake to smash in her face.  Later that evening we let her open presents and have her cake.
Happy 4th
She asked for taco salad for her birthday dinner but only made it through part of it!
Dad helped put her face in the cake.
I think it was all she thought it would be!


I LOVE summer, although it seems this summer has gone way too fast and has been way too dry!  Just when you think the sky looks like it could doesn't, seems it has just went around us.  After returning from Florida, which I would have preferred to stay we have seen some pretty brutally HOT weather in our area. So we have spent time in the pool and enjoying not having to do much yard work.  The sky has been gorgeous about every night as well as the moon.  I have been able to spend time on my flowers this year and thanks to my nephew Christian they did not die during our time away from home.  The girls go back to school the second week of August and Ali has her first soccer game of the season that evening.   They have spent their summer at camp during the day and hanging out with their friends. I have a couple more days off before school starts and plan to just hang out with my girls.  We had hoped to finish up some work on the house but plan to start in the fall when it cools off a bit. My car is fixed from our mishap on vacation, and I have finally downloaded pictures from Kynedy's birthday and hope to post them soon. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

No Pain...No Gain

As we all know it has been hot this summer and too dry, the heat I can deal with but would like it to rain!  Ali has what they call "no ball" week at soccer, considering it was 100 degrees yesterday and she spent her whole practice running she was rather worn out yesterday evening.  I had to laugh when I found this photo on her facebook page, the comments were great too.  She will be back at it this evening!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

I'm Here......

I have been taking a break from the blog and keeping busy around the house and with my girls!  I have some photos from Kynedy's birthday but have not gotten around to posting.  She didn't do much, it was hot and no fireworks because of the lack of rain.  I hope to have a party for her before school starts, which is actually right around the corner.  Hard to believe the summer is almost over :(  A friend posted this the other day and I just love it, it really makes you think about what is really important. 
 I will be back soon with some photos.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Vacation - Last Day PCB

We took our last photos on the balcony and beach then loaded all of our stuff. 
We headed to do a little more shopping and stop off at Pier Park.
Good-bye PCB!!
My favorite flower!!
Henna tattoo's for the girls and myself.

We ate lunch at Red Brick Pizza,
it was very good and headed home around 3:00 pm.
We arrived home around 5:00 am Saturday morning. 
 We had a wonderful time.

Vacation Day 6 - PCB

Our last day at the beach :(  I took advantage of it!!!  I spent all morning and afternoon watching the girls play in the water, I even ate my lunch on the beach.  Roger was beat from all of the sun so he rested most of the day to prepare for our drive home on Friday.  The girls both missed their friends and pets and were ready to come home also. Two days before this we saw dolphins from our balcony and Roger saw jelly fish in the water, this morning we saw a school of sting ray swim by!  After spending the whole day on the beach we went out for dinner at Dirty Dicks, stopped by Dippin Dots for about the 6th time and packed up our stuff.
The Sting Ray

Friday, July 6, 2012

Vacation Day 5 - PCB

It was another beautiful, clear day, we spent the morning at the beach and then headed to Whataburger for lunch, it was delicious.  We stopped by the store so we could have bacon and eggs for breakfast the next morning.  We stopped at Alvin's Island and did some shopping and checked out an alligator. We went back to the beach until sunset and ordered some really good pizza and finished the evening at Goofy Golf. 
Kynedy getting her feather in her hair.
More beautiful sunsets
Goofy Golf and a gorgeous moon.