Thursday, January 9, 2014

A Great Article

Yeah, Yeah I know it is 2014 for sure, and yes I have pictures to post and no I just don't want to post them right now!  LOL  I did come across and excellent article regarding being a parent of an athlete and well it was right on!  My girls both enjoy a variety of sports and have since they were very young, initially I signed my oldest daughter up in soccer at the age of 4 to try to get her to use up her extra energy, it wasn't long before I realized this girl really really loves sports!  She went on to be very good at all sports playing softball, basketball, volleyball, soccer and some tumbling.  I saw her grow athletically and as a person from every sport she played, I knew right away my job was to support her and to sacrifice any extra time or money I may have for her to be able to play because not only was it fun it was a huge part of who she will become and there is nothing more I would rather do than watch my child learn and blossom! 

Now my beautiful daughter is 16 and a sophomore in school, she only plays soccer and of course she plays for her high school, plays for fun at an indoor league during winter and during spring she and I get to travel Indiana to play soccer!  The travel soccer is so fun for me, yes I am not home much on weekends, yes it is expensive and yes I don't have much time for my house but.... I get quality time with my girls, and beofre I know it I will have too much time for the items I have listed and my girls will be busy with their lives.

If I could go back in time I don't think I would do a thing different, my time spent watching my girls play sports was not a waste of time but a learning process for me also, I do not expect my girls to be professional athletes nor would I want that for them, what I want is for them to know how to work as a team to get things done together, how to communicate, how to accept things they can not change, how to become better at something and how to truly enjoy what everyone around you has to offer, they learn these skills through sports for sure most importantly they learn who they are. You must work with your teammates even if you disagree, you must communicate on the field/court, if you lose you lose but can always improve and last but not least the friendships they have made along the way are irreplaceable, they had fun making new friends and learning new skills!  It amazes me both of my girls welcome any type of weather to play in, they say that is the fun of the game! 

The best part about this is I am going through all of this again with my youngest, so far she loves soccer, volleyball and basketball and I see the same results in her and there is nothing that makes me happier.  Anyways here is the article I loved so much and it is so true in my opinion:

I have seen some things on the sidelines over the years that would give you nightmares. Casts being sawed off, coaches going to blows, parents screaming obscenities at the other teams fans. U.G.L.Y. We have all gotten way too emotionally involved in our kids sports. We have forgotten that it’s about the the kids and the lessons, the journey if you will, not the end point.
I have an 18 year old now. He is playing D1 lacrosse for an east coast college and I couldn’t be prouder of him. My 16 yo is committed to a college on the east coast to play as well in 2015. One thing I know for sure is this. They did it. Not us. No amount of screaming, calling coaches, forcing practices would have mattered if they didn’t want it. It was our goal to be supportive, try and embarrass them as little as possible and give them the tools they needed to achieve their dreams. But they had to fight for those dreams. Not us.
My point here is, it’s about them. Get out of their way, enjoy the process, uncoil a bit. Someday far too soon this whole sports thing will be over and you will be begging them to come home for Thanksgiving. TRUST. ME.
Ten Things Parents of Athletes Should Know
1. It’s not about you, its about them. Do not live your own sports dreams through your kids. It’s their turn now. Let them make their own choices, both good and bad.
2. Never talk to a coach about your child’s play time after a game. Actually you never should. You should have your kid do that. That said, if you just can’t help yourself, send an email the next day and ask for some phone time.
3. NEVER yell at referees. They are trying. How would you like it if someone came to your job and screamed at you? Not. So. Much. If you have a real issue file a grievance the next day.
4. Do NOT coach your kid from the sideline. Your job is to be a cheerleader, not a coach. If you wanted to coach, you should have volunteered.

5. It is EXTREMELY UNLIKELY you are raising a professional athlete. I promise you. Relax, let them have a good time and learn the lessons they are supposed to be learning in sports.
6. Kids should play the sport that is in season until they are in middle school. Then they can decide which one or two sports they want to play and become more focused. Cross training prevents injuries and burnout.
7. If you have nothing nice to say, sit down and be quiet. Don’t be “that” parent.
8. If you are losing your mind on the sideline of game, it’s time to look in the mirror and figure out why. It’s not normal to care that much about sports. Put that energy into something more productive.
9. Let them fail. Forgotten equipment, not working out, not practicing at home? Let them suffer the consequences of that. It will make them better.

10. Your kids are watching you. Make them proud not embarrassed.

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