Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a little hard for me since I have lost many of my close family.  The girls, Nate and AJ came over that evening for a cook out, we had a great time, Ashton was at work.  AJ got use to the sand box and really enjoyed playing in it and didn't fall asleep while swinging.  I bought flowers to take to the cemetery and just have not felt like taking them yet.
 There are many photos to follow.

He took a little nap
Hanging out with Grandpa
Petting Cheeto
Love his face!!

LOL Nate's face

Three Day Weekend

The rain stayed away long enough for me to work on my flowers over the three day weekend. My mother and grandmother always had such beautiful flowers in their yard, along with gardens. Years ago I planted starts from my mothers house and have added to them every year.  The day lilies took off like crazy, and I ended up really enjoying planting flowers. 

Decorations on my front porch
Hoot Hoot
My Clematis are beautiful
My aunt Betty, who has passed away made the mason jar lantern.
Making hanging flower arrangements
Begonia are gorgeous
I LOVE the stripped petunia