Thursday, August 27, 2020

Gorgeous Photos

Many photos of my yard and around Terre Haute

My new yard light

Bubble Flower

My Surprise Lily

Another stray cat, this one growls while it is eating

This mornings sunrise


My Baby is in College


Kynedy got off to a good start at SMWC, she seems to really like it so far.  I am so very proud of the wonderful young lady she is becoming.  Can't wait to see what she does in the future.  Can't wait to celebrate in my favorite place next week!

COVID has made things look so different, but we are all waiting for an end.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Rotten Covid

My poor baby has been exposed to the virus, 
please pray she does not show symptoms.


Sunday, August 9, 2020


It happens so fast, spent Saturday cleaning and hanging out with this sweet guy! 

Campus is gorgeous 

He loves McDonalds

Look at that face!!  Love him so much!! 

Friday, August 7, 2020

The Weekend

 The weekend is upon us, it looks like the weather will be nice.  So some mowing is in store and hopefully a bit of work in the front room, Rog finally has the 2nd doorway all cleaned up and ready to drywall.  Of course I have railroad photos from this morning, always a pain and seems I am having to go around them almost every day.

This field was beautiful today!