Thursday, January 28, 2021



It was a bit slick out this morning!!  But oh how beautiful it was. These are photos of the moon this morning, it was so big and bright and reflected off of the snow we received last night!

Children's Museum with AJ


Saturday AJ and I went on an adventure to the Children's Museum.  I love our museum, of course I adored the gentleman who started it many years ago, and one of my dear friends runs the Museum today. We had a BLAST, and AJ left his mask on the whole time.  After our adventure we picked up McDonalds and headed to the house for some rest. 
AJ truly enjoyed the Museum.

Nights with AJ


Aj would stay all night with mamaw and papaw EVERY night if he could.  He has taken over our bedroom and LOVES to crawl up in our bed to snuggle. Of course, I don't mind what so ever!!  He has quite the personality and I love to see him learn new things everyday, I am so lucky to have him!  

His expression in the photo is great!

Checking out Papaw headphones

He knows exactly where the snack cabinet is 
A little water fun

His eyelashes are BEAUIFUL!

He is not spoiled at all, I promise 
Right now he LOVES Disney Cars

Monday, January 25, 2021



I have been busy with AJ the last couple of weekends and have many photos to download and hope to get them done this week.  The below photos were taken from a computer screen, but still look beautiful.

I am not a political person at all, nor do I follow or prefer either party. I do not agree with what happened at the Capitol on Jan. 6th, and had a clue it was going to happen.  Those of you who know me understand my biggest reasons for posting these beautiful photos and hoping for best for our country. I wish our new President and Vice President the best, I hope they are able to clean up the mess we are in and create a better future. I am all about GIRL POWER and I have high hopes for Kamala.  Having two daughters, it is a great feeling to see a female in the White House.


Our new President Mr. Biden

Madam Vice President Harris
Of course Lady Gaga rocked!!

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Dinner with Friends


I met up with a few friends this week and caught up over dinner. I am very thankful to have these ladies in my life. We had a wonderful dinner and laughed for hours! Life goes so quickly, take time to reach out to your friends and loved ones. 

Susan is so thoughtful, each of us had a bouquet of flowers waiting for us on the table!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Hello 2021


Happy new year!  I started back working in my office last Monday, so far it is going well, so glad to get out of the house!  AJ spent the night new years so we all had a great evening.  So far things have been ok this year, there are some crazy political stuff going on, but I just move along.  I have so many other important things to think about. 

 Here is to a 2021. 

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Christmas 2020


It was for sure a VERY different Christmas.  It turned out very well though, and of course I bought way too much and didn't even go into more than 3 stores LOL.  Christmas eve we delivered gifts to our extended families and even visited with masks for a few minutes.  We celebrated Christmas morning with gifts, breakfast casserole, muffins and coffee of course. 
We all had a wonderful Christmas.

Sophia watching behind the gifts.

I LOVE buying gifts!!

PJ Mask Bike

Pop Pop bought TONS of chocolate eggs

So much fun watching AJ open gifts

Hope you had a Merry Christmas