Wednesday, July 28, 2021

St. Louis Trip


I attended family vacation with Ashton's family this year, it was a WONDERFUL time. AJ started the trip not feeling well but he had the time of his life. 

We rented a large house located downtown where you could see the arch from the front porch, it was perfect for the 13 of us!! We started the trip at Six Flags, it was such a blast from the past for me!!  It was HOT ...... like 95 degrees HOT!  

The evening consisted of grocery stop, pizza, games and a big ole storm, the backyard of the house was set up nicely, so we moved the table under the carport and watched the storm and enjoyed each others company.  Of course AJ had most of his favorite people and was in heaven!

Saturday morning we made a huge, delicious breakfast and spent the morning drinking coffee and visiting.  There was rain in the forecast for later in the day, so we all headed to the arch to explore.  We finished the evening with dinner. We split up and some of us stayed at the house and just hung out while others headed to the casino.  

Sunday we packed up and headed to the zoo for the day.  AJ loved the zoo but nothing compared to the dinosaur display, it made the whole trip. I had an AWESOME time with a great group of friends.  

Heading to Missouri

I rode this ride, and to be honest it kicked my butt lol.

AJ really enjoyed playing in the water

He was so excited
The last time I went to the top of the arch
I was 7 months pregnant with Ali.

AJ with his the tongue

I had so much fun with this group!

AJ loved the T-Rex until we took him out of his stroller 😂

Oh Dee is such a character and so much fun!

Majestic ...look at that dimple!

Keeya and Ashanti both beautiful, kind young ladies

St. Louis zoo is awesome!

Even the flowers were hot

He had such a good time on his family vacation!

Sleepy little man

Animal waffles with Nutella 
Sooooo happy!


AJ and Chuck

Many different angles of the arch

Sharp dressed little man

Sweet family
He melts my heart!

OMG what a delicious breakfast

He is not spoiled

The front of the house

So much FUN

I just love Aunt Dee

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