Monday, November 29, 2021

Goodbye November

We had a great Thanksgiving, with much time spent with family and those we love.   We celebrated Bea's life with a wonderful celebration of life last weekend.  She meant the world to so many and will be missed dearly.  I just love that family, AJ and Ali are so lucky to have all of them. We had a gathering on Saturday evening decorating, eating and spending time together. 

We are ready to have this next month over with, I am praying big time all goes well and we move forward from here.  I will protect my peace and ability to care for my family fiercely during this time, and pray for it to go smoothly for us all.

The moon has been amazing, this was actually taken in the morning. 
Nothing sweeter than a mother and son dancing!


Monday, November 15, 2021

Fun Weekend

The weekend started out Friday evening with dinner at La Isla for Shari's birthday.  It was a great evening and was so good to catch up with her.  Saturday was cleaning and grocery pick up day, that evening Kynedy watched AJ while we went and celebrated Nikki's birthday.  AJ stayed all night with Grandma and Grandpa, we ordered pizza and watched Godzilla with Aunt Kynedy.  Sunday was very quiet, we had waffles and watched tv while Ali and Ashton went to the Colts game.  

I LOVE weekends with friends and family!

His hair cut looks so good on him!
Fun with his color shifting cars Grandpa got him.


Thursday, November 11, 2021



Time is just cruising right on by!! Life is always moving and changing as we go, sometimes too fast to even notice.  Slow down, enjoy what is around you, it will all be gone before you know it!

I had the best Pizza date yesterday!
I took this picture as it represents the long road ahead of all of us, walk it wisely with compassion and love.  

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Last Days of Fall

It was rather chilly last week with frost, of course this week it has warmed up and was around 70 yesterday. 

Just a few photos of Fall coming to an end!


Silly Little AJ

These are a few photos I did not post yet, we have had a hard time getting over illnesses!  It has been one thing or another since COVID hit us.  I was able to go to dinner with friends Friday but after a long weekend of still being ill, I headed to doctor yesterday and went home to sleep.  I have to be well and ready to care for Roger after his surgery! Ashton's nana Bea passed away this weekend unexpected, she will be missed, I truly enjoyed getting to know her. 


Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Happy Halloween

I truly love Halloween, the decorations, the weather and all of the costumes!!  AJ was crazy about the skeleton house, Ali took him by it almost every time they were by our house.  Their display, which is by Collett Park is amazing, they have spent lots of time and money for the kids, and they have done this since my kids were little. We had a great time taking Marshall trick or treating, the weather was decent and AJ was so excited!

Look at that smile (that is his cheese smile)

He needed no help 


This is just one tiny section of the skeleton house
My heart 💓
The red in the background of this photo is actually the sun setting, it was gorgeous


Saturday Evening Shenanigans

Saturday started a bit slow for me, as I did not feel my best.  AJ's last soccer game was moved to the following weekend and Ali was off so Rog and I got some much needed house work done.  That evening we all got together for dinner and to hand out candy.

And of course play with AJ's Hot Wheels City slime snake!!

AJ loves his co coke
Kynedy with her awesome mask 

SO thankful for my family!


Simply Fall

October has been a very quick month, I made it out for a bit last weekend to take a few photos of all the gorgeous colors.  

Fall is rather late this year and not quite as vibrant, but still beautiful as always!  

Beautiful colorful leaves

The Wabash river

Seven little perfect pumpkins