Wednesday, April 27, 2022


Yesterday after school AJ had a few friends come over to play.  It sure brought back some memories, just this time it was boys!!  The girls and their friends spent many days gathered around the sandbox playing when they were little, it was great to watch the boys do the same yesterday! I truly enjoyed listening to them talk, laugh, burp and even fart was an AWESOME day! 


AJ is one silly little man!
AJ, Nick, Leland and Landon


Monday, April 25, 2022

Ali Graduates

Ali took this picture of AJ, while he was not feeling good, and I instantly fell in love with it!!  Of course, I LOVE the little man in the photo....oh so very much!  It seems like yesterday that he was born, and now he is almost 5 and she is getting ready to graduate college in a couple of weeks.  

I can't express how proud I am of her and Ashton, school, work and holding down a household while raising a child, and all during quarantine is not for the weak!!  She will graduate with a few degrees and will have many options in her future, I can't imagine trying to balance all that she did to graduate, all while learning how to be a mommy!  To say I am proud of her is an understatement!!  I can't wait to see what the future holds for her sweet little family.  


Oh What Fun

Last week we had a picnic outside on Thursday.  Saturday morning we took a trip to Rural King to see the chickens, had lunch and got out AJ's new air tent, it is so cool !!

He got a Sonic in his happy meal!


Beautiful Weekend

The weather was so perfect this weekend, warm and windy!!

I spent some time with AJ Saturday and then mowed our yard and helped Kynedy get my mom's yard mowed. I have a few beautiful tulips that have bloomed this week.


Thursday, April 21, 2022

A Few Photos

The weather is starting to get nice, trees are budding, flowers are blooming so I headed out to get some gorgeous photos. 

 First a photo of our 18 year old cat Cheeto

Ribs for Easter dinner, they were delicious!

Beautiful purple clover

Collett Park



The Easter Bunny Came to AJ's

Sunday night the Easter bunny delivered goodies and hid eggs outside for AJ.  I got up early Easter morning to watch him hunt for the eggs and open to see what goodies he received.  

Such a happy little man

Ready to hunt eggs outside

He had such a good Easter