Thursday, July 7, 2022

Forever My Baby You'll Be

We celebrated Kynedy's birthday Sunday afternoon with tacos and cake.  I can't believe my baby is 20, it just seems like yesterday we were rushing to the hospital on July 4th and within 15 minutes my sweet baby girl was in my arms.  I know I say it all the time, but I AM the LUCKY one!

Kynedy's cake...I added the beautiful writing lol!

Such perfection

The most beautiful girls in the world 
Playing Switch with Grandpa
Sweet Marley came to visit also

AJ and Nick tried out AJ's new swing!

Selfie time

AJ LOVES birthdays as soon as the candle was lit he ran to turn the lights out!

Always some sort of shenanigans with my girls!
And of course AJ


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