Monday, February 27, 2023

Short Update

What a crazy few days I have had, right now all is well.  It started Thursday morning, mom was found unresponsive, breathing heavy and very pale and was rushed to Regional by ambulance.  She was conscious when I arrived but still very out of it and not taking in much oxygen.   After a very scary day she was stable and moved to a room, Saturday morning she had an episode again, it was determined she had fluid overload on her lungs and heart, she will be in the hospital for the next few days until she can come home.

AJ stayed all night Saturday; we played games and just took it easy!!  I stopped by to see Kynedy and Marley Sunday, WOW Marley is so big it is hard to believe she isn't even a year old. 

Not the best photos but it wasn't the best weekend either.  


Tuesday, February 21, 2023

A Day with AJ

Sunday evening AJ stayed all night, I took Monday off to hang out with him since he did not have school.  We got up early and had breakfast, watched movies and played some games.  Kynedy came over for lunch and Ali stopped by during her lunch hour.  I had a wonderful day visiting with my crew!


Kitty Update

Zelda is growing way too fast; she has really gotten long the last couple of weeks. She has started becoming a fan of Roger's and still follows the two older cat's lead.  She is pictured below with a pink ball; it is her favorite and she wants to play all the time!

Handsome Archie joined the photo shoot.
A few of my favorite photos, she has the most gorgeous eyes!


Happy Birthday Lylah

Saturday Roger and I headed to Walmart for a few things and then I spent the afternoon celebrating sweet Lylah's birthday!!

Her birthday gift "Hank"

The big 2!


End of the Week

Beautiful site as I headed home Friday from work, ready to visit with AJ for the evening!


Thursday, February 16, 2023

What's Been Going On...

It was a much calmer week, Mom is home from the Nursing home and doing so much better, it was a long few months getting her healthy. I actually spent most of the weekend recharging, which consists of very long naps for me and hanging out with my cats! 

Sunday Roger, Ali, AJ and I made it out to visit Grandma Shelby, we had a great visit, I ended the evening with a nap! lol!!  Tuesday, I took the day off while they put new carpet in my office, I stayed in and rested and then visited my mom and spent the evening having dinner and watching TV with Roger, and Kynedy stopped by after work to visit.

Of course, I have many photos of Zelda and one of my sweet Leo!  She had her second vet appointment and weighs 3.3 lbs. and is doing very well.  I sure do love the little stinker!

He is so handsome!


Friday, February 10, 2023

Valentine Disco with AJ

Thursday, I joined AJ and his parents at his Valentine's Disco!  I am so lucky to have the opportunity to experience these things with AJ.  I loved all of the extracurricular, festivals, sports games, and many events the girls would go to, it was some of the best moments shared with them.  AJ had a great time, he had pizza, chips, he won a cupcake at the cake walk, got his face painted and danced with his buddy Maddox!   They put on a wonderful event!

Notice he is the only boy!  He likes his girls!
AJ and Maddox

He sure can dance!

He ate his cupcake before he headed home!


Thursday, February 9, 2023

Looking Forward to Spring

It has been a busy couple of weeks running back and forth to the nursing home, Mom seems to be doing better and hopes she can come home soon.  The sunrise was from Wednesday morning, today it is super windy and rainy.  The girls and AJ came over last night so Ali could start her Harry Potter quest, and to hang out, it was a great evening! Today is Zelda's second vet appointment, I can't wait to see how much she has grown!



Monday, February 6, 2023