Tuesday, March 28, 2023

That Time of the Year

I seem to come alive when Spring arrives!    

The beauty in Spring is incomparable, the flowers and trees blooming, the sound of birds and frogs, warm sunshine on your face after a long cold dreary winter. 

I took these yesterday at Fairbanks of the sunset.


Princess Zelda Update

She is truly the silliest cat I have had.  She follows you around, takes your seat when you get up, loves her snacks and likes to pester Archie and Leo when they try to go to the bathroom lol!! She reminds me so much of Sapphire, we are so happy we have her!  Just a few more weeks and she will be spayed.

Playing on my bed with her toys


AJ's Spring Break


This week is AJ's spring break, he has lots of fun planned!  Last night he requested a stay at a hotel, just to chill lol!  I sent a bag of goodies and stopped by to see him last night.  I can't wait to have him the end of the week!  He stayed close to mama in the pool!

Sweet Sincere

Monday, March 27, 2023

Kynedy's Ring Ceremony

Saturday was a very special day for Kynedy!  She received her SMWC ring, it means so much to a Woodsie, and we could not be any prouder of her.  She had limited tickets and it was a packed house.  It was held at the Church of the Immaculate Conception on campus and was a beautiful ceremony! 

Kynedy with Saint Mother Theodore Guerin statue.

Ashton and AJ joined us for dinner at Longhorns later that day.

Truly the most beautiful, kind and smart daughters ever!  
Love them both dearly!
The rose she presented us as a token of appreciation! 
It was a bit of an emotional moment!
She will be one of the best teachers!

Nate has been such a wonderful support for her during school!

LOVE my family!  Just missing Ashton and AJ.



Monday, March 20, 2023

Cold Weekend

I am patiently waiting for it to get warm and stay warm!!  The weekend went quickly!!! I stayed around the house, AJ came by and visited, we got his air tent out and played a few games. Kynedy worked most of the weekend, so I delivered food on Sunday and grabbed a quick hug.  She has a huge Saturday coming up, she has worked so hard, and I can't wait to see her receive her ring!  So hard to believe I will soon have two college graduates.  

AJ was busy as usual which makes it is so hard to get any photos, but I did get as couple decent ones!  Same with Zelda, she is for sure a busy body!!

Look how long
Her favorite toy
She always puts her hands up over her ears, it is so adorable.

Perfect shot!