Wednesday, March 8, 2023

March Came Quickly


It does not seem like March already.  We had the same issue with mom again last week and had to call an ambulance, they were able to get her oxygen up again, it was in the 70's when she arrived. They determined she has had a small stroke at some time. After 5 days in the hospital, she is home now and doing pretty good, she truly is the toughest lady I know. 

We had a fairly quiet weekend catching up on a few things. Zelda has discovered the TV and seems to enjoy watching it! She keeps us busy!

My first bloom of the year!  This brings me so much happiness, I can't wait to get out and work with my flowers.

Every single morning, we play with her favorite pink ball! 

My mother will probably kill me for this, we are approaching the 10 year of her devastating fall and I am so grateful to still have her in our lives. She has always put others needs before hers and has handle many obstacles with such grace.  I have always admired her strength and compassion I am so blessed to have her as my mother.    

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