Thursday, July 20, 2023

Joy in the Little Things

Slow Down:
 It truly is amazing how exhaustion can wear on our minds and bodies. Finding joy in the small things is nearly impossible when we don’t have time to slow down and even realize they exist.

I believe that one of the best things we can do for our families and ourselves is to disconnect from our devices. Leave your phone at home, close your laptop, get off of social media, turn off the TV, and take out the earbuds.

Go for a walk:

Greet the morning sun.
Pick some wildflowers.
Listen to the sweet song of a mama bird.
Look at the detailed intricacy of a beautiful butterfly.
Or that insect that seems to be perfectly camouflaged,

Our quality of sleep affects our ability to think clearly and appreciate the little joys in life. There is a link between sleep deprivation and depression. Take time to get adequate rest.

Be Grateful:
Before we realize it, we allow tiny inconveniences and disappointments to steal our joy. I encourage you to pause for a moment and think upon everything that you have to be grateful for.  Sweet friend, we’ve got to stop grumbling and complaining. If you woke up this morning with breath in your lungs, you are blessed.

Serve Others:
Although our culture often attempts to make us believe otherwise, we were actually created to serve each other and not ourselves. Once we begin to take the focus off of us, we can clearly see the needs of those around us. Open the door for someone. Offer to carry an elderly person’s groceries. Provide a meal for the homeless or for a family who just welcomed a baby. 

Offer someone a smile. 
It truly is “more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).

Below are a few joys I received this week.  A home-grown tomato from my neighbor, yummy!  A new lily that bloomed, given to me from a friend "Blessing in a Backpack".

 I hope you receive many things that bring you joy.


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