Thursday, August 31, 2023

Three Sedated Kittens

Last Saturday I took all three kittens to be neutered, it was a long day for us all, Zelda was not happy the kittens were gone, Leo and Archie didn't seem to even know.  When I picked up the kittens at 6:00 pm two were moving around and Hobbes was not, he was breathing just not moving anything at all.  This was the youngest I have ever had a cat altered. They assured me he was fine, and it was just from the sedation, this little guy did not move until after 8:00 pm!  Kynedy showed up, petted him and he soon came out of it.   
She made my whole evening!

Eventually they were all up and the chaos began!! It was like dealing with 3 drunk kittens, they were trying to jump on everything and not make it, they would fall asleep while eating, they ran into the food bowls, and it was everywhere!!  Needless to say, it was a very interesting evening, and I am just glad it is done and over with!

Sunday was a coffee date at Little Bear.  It was so great to catch up with friends! I stayed awhile just visiting with my second momma.

Zelda is in charge of the kittens and is the prettiest girl!

Three recovering kittens!

Hobbes under sedation.
Lynk is pretty out of it.
Big Mac is feeling good!



The last few weeks are so busy with birthdays, school starting, work is crazy this time of the year also. We were able to get together with Ali, Ashton and AJ at Texas Roadhouse to celebrate Ali's birthday!  Kynedy has no extra time with school and work.  It was a great evening with drinks, great food and wonderful company.  I am really slacking in the photo category. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The Weekend

I took Friday off as a vacation day, I worked around the house and spent the afternoon visiting with a friend.  Saturday was our evening to have AJ, I took a quick trip to Sycamore Winery to have a drink with Ali for her birthday.  AJ and Roger stayed home and played video games and we ended the evening with tacos.

Busy times are ahead, Kynedy started her senior year of college this week, and we have many birthdays to celebrate!

Sweet Lynk - he is a little curious one!
So focused!

First time I have ever seen AJ hold a kitten!

Big Mac hiding in the cat tree.


Thursday, August 17, 2023

Quiet Time

I took a couple vacation days before school starts at work.  Monday, I spent the day with Kynedy getting her ready for her Senior year at college.  Where in the world did the time go?  

The girls and I always have such a good time on our adventures, they are truly the best!  We started with some lunch and ended running through the pouring rain! lol Oh and I got my eyebrows threaded for the first time.  Easy peasy, I love it!  We actually tried Loose Goose coffee; cute little shop and the coffee was good but not as good as Little Bear.  I visited Little Bear for coffee and a treat on Sunday.

Lunch and a drink


Kitten Update

The kittens are doing great, they are settled in and are very spoiled!  The older cats and Zelda really like the kittens.  Each one has their own unique personality and I love watching them discover everything. All is well at the moment, Momma cat stays on the porch, I have been able to put her in the crate for the night to keep her safe from other critters. 

Hobbes and Lynk sleeping on my lap.
Big Mac
Hobbes looking so adorable this morning!
Lynk sound asleep after filling his belly!



Sweet AJ started Kindergarten last week!  So far, he really likes his school and teachers, I can't wait to get all of the details this weekend!!  Of course, he is just the cutest ever!


Wednesday, August 9, 2023

National Cat Day

I am a day late but yesterday was National Cat Day, I really never knew there was a special day for cats, I assume cats think every day is a special cat day! lol! I am very BLESSED with cats at the moment, it was not in the plan...but really what is? We have become very attached to the new kittens, they bring lots of laughter, cuddles and of course a bit of work, but so worth it. 


Two peas in a pod!

The Princess!
Big Mac
Archie is almost 13 years old now.
Leo is 11 years old.


Monday, August 7, 2023

Busy Days

Last week was pretty busy for us.  My momma spent the week recovering in the hospital, the kittens have seemed to adjust, Emma is healing and do great and doing very well staying on our porch!

These are the last of my flower blooms, I am not sure the name of this flower, but it is beautiful!

These roses start out yellow then turn a pale pink when they open all the way up.

Yummy home-grown tomato


Thursday, August 3, 2023

Did Someone Say Kittens!

We now have three sweet kittens in our house, they are actually doing great, Zelda thinks they belong to her, lol.  We had not planned on this, but we are so happy we are able to care for them.   

This one we have not decided on a name yet! 
Lynk and Big Mac

Sweet Princess Zelda
Lynk is a rowdy little guy and is a ticked tabby.
Big Mac is a big boy, he is much bigger than his two brothers.
Lynk stays close to me and is the sweetest little kitten. I can't wait to watch them grow and their personalities develop.


Sweet Momma Kitty

Miss Emma was spayed Friday; she is healing nicely.  She spent a couple nights in one of our bedrooms while she recovered and is now a resident of our front porch! It made me feel great to be able to get her spayed and take in her kittens.