Thursday, August 31, 2023

Three Sedated Kittens

Last Saturday I took all three kittens to be neutered, it was a long day for us all, Zelda was not happy the kittens were gone, Leo and Archie didn't seem to even know.  When I picked up the kittens at 6:00 pm two were moving around and Hobbes was not, he was breathing just not moving anything at all.  This was the youngest I have ever had a cat altered. They assured me he was fine, and it was just from the sedation, this little guy did not move until after 8:00 pm!  Kynedy showed up, petted him and he soon came out of it.   
She made my whole evening!

Eventually they were all up and the chaos began!! It was like dealing with 3 drunk kittens, they were trying to jump on everything and not make it, they would fall asleep while eating, they ran into the food bowls, and it was everywhere!!  Needless to say, it was a very interesting evening, and I am just glad it is done and over with!

Sunday was a coffee date at Little Bear.  It was so great to catch up with friends! I stayed awhile just visiting with my second momma.

Zelda is in charge of the kittens and is the prettiest girl!

Three recovering kittens!

Hobbes under sedation.
Lynk is pretty out of it.
Big Mac is feeling good!


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