Monday, October 16, 2023

Kitty Chaos Update

Things are staying busy around our place!  The kittens are doing great, getting big and into everything.  Having three kittens at the same time is an experience!  Mornings seem to be the most interesting around our house, they are busy little guys and of course Zelda joins in.  I don't know what we would do without them, they definitely are our entertainment!

Zelda and Big Mac sleeping
Big Mac

Our big boy Leo
So sweet!
Hobbes - he is the sweetest!
Sweet Zelda, she is so tolerant of all the kittens. 
She is still the spoiled one!
Lynk - well let's just say if one is going to do it, it would be Lynk.  Here he is trying out our dish as his bed.  He loves any type of food!


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