Monday, August 29, 2011

Weekends Go TOO FAST!!!

Really......I wait all week for Friday and then next thing I know it is Monday morning!! I love my job but I really LOVE being at home with my family and it just seems to go WAY TOO FAST!  This weekend I was a bit lazy, of course this week starts volleyball games and then next week comes soccer so I have to say I owed it to myself.  Friday night both girls had friends over and decided to go skating, it was a good night.  Saturday we were up bright and early and Ali wasted no time to get ready for the big North vs South game that evening.   Kynedy spent the day outside playing with Alex and some neighborhood kids, they visited the yard sale across the street and brought me goodies!  For some reason I only snapped a few photos....I really was not myself this weekend.  Kynedy and I rented Soul Surfer and had dinner out while Ali went to hang with her friends and cheer North on.  Roger worked on the front porch and opted to stay in for dinner.  

Ali's shirt she made to wear to the game (don't know why I didn't get a photo of her wearing it)

Ali did not come home till late Sunday afternoon, she went straight to her room and took a nap.  I think she may be coming down with a cold, here she is after just waking up.
This weekend is Labor day and we have to work here since classes just start this week.  So no 3 day weekend for us UGGG!!  Stay tuned soon I will be posting my volleyball and soccer pictures the next couple months!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A New Car!!

Yep I did it, bought a new 2010 Dodge Sebring, and really love it!  (Not the best photo, but I will post more later)  I have had a van forever so this was a big change for me and so far I am very happy.  It has plenty of room and drives GREAT!  The girls are especially happy with the sunroof and heated leather seats.

Monday, August 22, 2011


This week is "Birthday Week" at our house!!  Roger's birthday is the 21st, my nephew Jeffrey's is the 19th, Ali's is the 22nd and my other nephew Christian's is the 25th!  Wow...told you many birthdays just this week.  Yesterday was my husbands birthday, he spent the day fishing with a good friend.  I spent the day preparing a special birthday dinner for him and Ali.  We made Chicken fetticini, corn on the cob, salad and of course cupcakes!!  It turned out to be a great day, Hollis stayed to celebrate and Tracy stopped by with the kids for a little bit.  Kynedy and Ali had a great first week back to school, Kynedy spent the weekend hanging with her friend Kiera, Ali attended the first North football game on Friday, we all skated (well I worked) until 1 am Saturday. Ali and Amanda spent their Sunday afternoon hanging at the mall for Ali's birthday! Oh and Ali made 8th grade Varsity Volleyball...YOU GO ALI!!!

Ali putting on her face to go shopping!

Made a HUGE dinner, went in to check on girls and they were enjoying the left over icing from the cupcakes LOL!

Roger's Birthday sign!

YUMMY...cupcakes to end the evening!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I have an 8th and 4th grader!

Today was the big to school for my girls.  They both looked beautiful and were more than happy to go back and see their friends!  Good luck to both of you!!

School Supplies

The last official day of summer I stayed home with the girls.  We squeezed in a dr. appointment and finished up school supply shopping.  This is what a 4th grader has to take to start school.

Here is Ali's supplies for 8th grade...big difference huh??

ISU Soccer

The girls were "Ball Kids" for the ISU ladies soccer game on Sunday.  They both seemed to really enjoy it. The game was good, ended up 1 to 1.

Ali stayed very busy and got to throw in many balls during the game.  She took her job very serious.

Kynedy got some practice dribbling LOL!!

Playing during break!

I got to enjoy the game with Mary!

Time to Head Home

Oh wait but not without ice cream!!!  Oh yes I can't tell you how many times the girls asked for ice cream.  Roger and I were more than happy to sit down and wait for them to eat it too!!

The beautiful sunset on the way home!

Splashin Safari Fun

The girls on the water slide

The Zynga...this looked like fun!!


Ali & Kynedy on the slide

More fun at Holiday World


Roger watching the girls on the swings.

My FAVORITE flower, I only saw one in the park.

In the Glass Blowing store

Kynedy with her prizes she won.

Just Some Photos of Us!

Kynedy all ready for a day of fun!

Time For the Rides!

We first decided to ride the rides when we arrived at Holiday World, the first ride was the Voyage, oh boy does that go FAST!!  We have a great photo from the ride, let's just say my eyes were closed very tight!!  Here is Ali and Kynedy on a ride, you can barely see Kynedy but she is in there.

The girls!

Roger and I

The Octopus!!

Just a swinging!!

Kynedy drove Roger.

AHHHH keep your eyes on the road!!