Monday, August 22, 2011


This week is "Birthday Week" at our house!!  Roger's birthday is the 21st, my nephew Jeffrey's is the 19th, Ali's is the 22nd and my other nephew Christian's is the 25th!  Wow...told you many birthdays just this week.  Yesterday was my husbands birthday, he spent the day fishing with a good friend.  I spent the day preparing a special birthday dinner for him and Ali.  We made Chicken fetticini, corn on the cob, salad and of course cupcakes!!  It turned out to be a great day, Hollis stayed to celebrate and Tracy stopped by with the kids for a little bit.  Kynedy and Ali had a great first week back to school, Kynedy spent the weekend hanging with her friend Kiera, Ali attended the first North football game on Friday, we all skated (well I worked) until 1 am Saturday. Ali and Amanda spent their Sunday afternoon hanging at the mall for Ali's birthday! Oh and Ali made 8th grade Varsity Volleyball...YOU GO ALI!!!

Ali putting on her face to go shopping!

Made a HUGE dinner, went in to check on girls and they were enjoying the left over icing from the cupcakes LOL!

Roger's Birthday sign!

YUMMY...cupcakes to end the evening!

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