Wednesday, October 30, 2019

More Autumn Photos

These were taken late Sunday afternoon at Deming Park.
I am not looking forward to Winter, it's cold and only pretty when it snows.
I don't usually post as much through the winter either. 

Sunday Funday

The last two weekends have been non stop, AJ's birthday party last weekend, and many Halloween events the following weekend.  Sunday was Asher's birthday party at deming park.  Ali had to work, so I took AJ to celebrate with Asher.   He had a great time, he played and played at the playground and enjoyed all of the other kids company.

AJ and Asher

He runs so fast I had a hard time keeping up with him, 
Grandma sure got her exercise in!!

Saturday Shenanigans!

The past Saturday was a miserable rainy day, but that didn't stop me and AJ from having some fun.  I took him to Rose-Hulman for some trick or treating and then met his momma for coffee after wards. He got way too much candy and his own frappe!!

Autumn in Indiana

I waited this year for the leaves to change, they were late changing and not very vibrant.  Last year photos are so much more colorful.  These were taken on campus and at the Wetlands

Huge Sycamore leaf!

I love this row of trees

Autumn sure is a gorgeous season!

Downtown Trick or Treating

Friday night I joined Shari, Nikki and the boys and I took AJ trick or treating downtown while Ali was at work. It was a nice evening to be out and about and it was packed!!  They did not offer this when my girls were little, it is a great event. AJ loved it, he enjoyed dancing with the Casey's pizza guy.  He is starting to figure out this whole trick or treating thing. The pictures are not great, this little guys does not quit moving for any pictures lol!! 

The sunset was gorgeous! 

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Sights at the Zoo

The center of the ZooBoo area

Chewing his food, smearing it on the window, and eating it.

It was a gorgeous fall day
The Bears were a bit tired

AJ loved the tiger!

Up close

We were able to see the sloth, although he was asleep

ZooBoo With AJ!!

For AJ's birthday I decided to take him and his momma to Indianapolis ZooBoo it was a great idea, AJ had a blast and would have just liked to dance to the DJ all day!  It turned out to be a beautiful day.  We made some really good memories! I have posted tons of photos, I just couldn't choose they were all so good! 

The cutest ninja ever!

We tried the dolphin show but that didn't last very long. LOL

Listening to the music

Such a happy little guy!

Dancing away!

AJ has the moves



Look at that face!

He was rolling to the music!

Chocolate covered twinkie!

Momma dancing with AJ!

I will for sure be going next year!