Friday, February 28, 2020

The Little Things

Happy Friday!!  
I enjoyed my drive to work this morning, the sunrise was very pretty, and I have missed it this winter. The end is near, and soon (20 days) Spring will be here.  The weather has been so mild this winter, but I am still awaiting springs arrival.  I am happiest when I can get some outside time, and do not care for the cold, and I can't wait to get AJ outside to play. As we head into the weekend, we will be on quarter break next week.  Kynedy is nearing the end of her first week out of school, I took a couple days off next week to do some graduation shopping. 

This is the corner of 13th and Collett.  I really like this photo, of course I have drove this way for over 20 years and Kynedy spent so much of her time when she was young at the antique store helping out or buying something for everyone! 

Over looking the wetlands behind campus

Of course Rose-Hulman's campus is always beautiful!

Growing Fast

I picked AJ up after work to hang out with us while Ali studied.  He had to take all of his Toy Story characters.  He can say their names now, I love how he says Bullseye....."Seye" is what he says! He was set on watching Moana and sang his little heart out, he wanted me close by his side last night, of course I didn't mind.  I truly can't believe how fast time is going. 

 He kept sticking his head out of the cozy coupe window and saying bye, I am sure he saw it in a movie, lol.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Such a Character

Monday evening AJ came to hang out with Grandma and Grandpa while his parents celebrated their 6th year as a couple.  I can't even believe it has been 6 years, it has gone way too fast. AJ spent the evening acting out his favorite shows.  

He is so much fun!!

Making Buzz fly

Monday, February 24, 2020

Weekend Fun

Saturday AJ spent the day with us, he had tons of fun playing with his Toy Story characters, he was such a good little man, letting Grandpa and I get work done. He ended up falling asleep in his cozy coupe car, it was adorable!!!

Sunday Kynedy joined me and my friends at Little Bear that morning for coffee and she and I did a bit of shopping that afternoon and visied Ali at Olive Garden. Next thing I knew Roger and I were at Culver's late that evening.  It was a great weekend with some pretty decent weather.  


Friday Night

Roger spent the week buying new pots and pans, mixing bowls, new crock pot and a knife set.  Which turned into a whole lot of organizing and cleaning in the kitchen this weekend. Roger did most of the work and by Monday morning things were getting back to normal.  Again, thank you Roger you did an amazing job!  Last week as I was changing bedding on the loft bed and got a small splinter in my arm, which I thought I had gotten out, it turned out this long thing was in my arm all day until Roger finally removed the splinter.


Friday, February 21, 2020

Lunch Date

My lunch dates today!

Grown up

This sweet girl finished high school this week with a close to perfect GPA! Let the graduation party and college planning begin.  So very proud of you Kynedy!

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Sunny Day

It was a beautiful drive to work this morning, the sun is rising so much earlier, there were tons of birds flying overhead, making their way back north. It was a wonderful sound that was saying...Spring is near!!  The message for today.......  

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Monday, February 17, 2020

Another Sunday Funday

Actually, it was a perfect Sunday!  It started out with coffee at Little Bear, this time both of my girls joined us. I picked up some groceries headed home and did some housework.  Then Ali, AJ, Kynedy and I went to Bogey's to celebrate Aiden's 7th birthday! Lexi was there, she looks so good and will graduate her program in April, I am so proud of her!  Ali had to work so I took AJ home to dad he was a bit worn out, all he did was run through Bogey's over and over again!  I finally had a little extra time to stop and have a cup of coffee with my mom.  Roger made homemade breaded tenderloins for dinner and they were awesome! Weekends just don't last long enough.

Can't believe Aiden is 7


Lexi looks so good!

Ali's facial expressions in the next few photos are hilarious, AJ did not want to stay in the room while Aiden opened gifts, Kynedy is wrestling with him.

He was out on the way home! 
 I love the sun rays in these photos!

My Valentine

Friday evening I hung out with my two favorite guys, Roger and AJ!  We ordered in, watched movies and played!  I think AJ ran up and down our hall area 100 times or more.  It was a great Valentine's day!!  Roger bought us new pots and pans, mixing bowls and a really nice knife set.  I ran out Saturday to Meijer with Ali and AJ to get the candy on sale!  Later that evening Roger took me out to Olive Garden for dinner, we got to see our sweet hostess in action! 

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Early Morning Photo Shoot

We had a bit of snow this morning.  
It was absolutely gorgeous as I walked into work.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Monday with AJ

I have the maximum vacation hours at work right now, and have to take some time off.  I stayed home Monday and did some work around the house, and then kept AJ, since he was not well enough to go to school.  It was a great day off!

He fell asleep watching Toy Story, it was the sweetest!!

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Double Ear Infection

Look at this poor little guy, he has been so sick!