Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving - Remotely

Thanksgiving is much different this year, I will miss spending time with our extended family, but it is just too risky for the older members. Roger and I are working on preparing a fest come Saturday, and I can't wait to have fun in the kitchen, we plan to only have the girls and their significant others and AJ of course!  

Tonight AJ comes over to hang out with us, and today is my last day working on campus until next year.  I will be working from home during the first few weeks of winter term as students study remotely during this time. 

I choose this photo of me, this was such a fun moment for me and reminds me that memories and moments are EVERYTHING, make the best of them! 

I hope you and your family have a safe and healthy Thanksgiving.


Friday, November 20, 2020

Nothing Compares

Spent the evening with this little man.  He was a ball of energy and kept us on our toes, and he is talking up a storm.  I consider myself  so lucky to be able to spend this time with him.


Beauty is All Around Us

 These photos are from yesterdays sunrise, today is warm but no sun.  I didn't get around to posting yesterday, so here is a little sunshine for you today, hope it makes you smile.

Monday, November 16, 2020



My niece Brittany sent this to me yesterday.  Such wonderful memories!  So hard to believe Tracy has been gone for 6 years.  I miss her dearly and she would be so proud of her granddaughters. 

Brittany and I early 1990's

Ali and I

Sunday Sunset

As I headed to drop off some items at my mom's, I had a gorgeous canvas to view.  The sunset was pink and just beautiful after a gloomy weekend.  


Weekend with AJ

AJ stayed all night Saturday with mamaw and pawpaw.  We had a BLAST, he is such a sweet, busy and very smart little man.  He is acquiring quite the vocabulary!  We spent the time eating chocolate eggs, watching PJ Masks and Cars, and playing. 

Right now Pawpaw is his favorite person!

Ice cream and a little YouTube

Chocolate Egg

Of course he LOVES pizza


Monday, November 9, 2020

Quiet but Beautiful Weekend


The weekends always go by so fast, Roger and I raked about 40 bags of leaves with a little help from the neighborhood kids, it took most of Saturday. Sunday was low key, we picked up a few groceries and cleaned a bit, we watched a little football and then napped!  Things are so different with the virus and I can't wait to be able to get back out and about.  I am hopeful we are headed for better times, and a bit more kindness in the world. I can't wait to get AJ out and about to experience so many more things and make memories. 

Things will stay busy for November....We are planning to make Thanksgiving dinner this year for our family as 2020 has been crazy and for sure non traditional, things will be different during the holidays for sure. I have about 2 1/2 more weeks of work and then I move to remote until the first of the year, there are pros and cons to working from home, but staying in my PJ's is for sure a pro! 

We have been lucky to have some very warm weather for November and the sunrises have not disappointed. 


Thursday, November 5, 2020

Thursday Sunrise


These are some gorgeous photos!

View From My Yard

We have had some gorgeous sunsets, sunrises and moons the last few weeks.  If you know me you know I love to photograph all three!  All of these photos were taken from my yard.


Sweet Little Geeko

A sweet little Geeko stopped by for Halloween.  He was so cute, but he was not real thrilled with the mask. LOL.  Of course mamaw and pop pop had a couple chocolate eggs for him! Ali and I took him to a few houses on the block, he got scared at my neighbor Lisa's after she did her witch cackle, he forgot as soon as she handed him candy lol.  He loves his candy for sure.  I hope next Halloween we are somewhat back to normal.
No mask!

Look at that smile


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Hello Moon

I was able to get a few good shots of the moon this last weekend. This is the night before the full moon.  
It is the blue moon


Nights with AJ

The Saturday of AJ's party he stayed all night with us.  He has some crazy hair going on.  He had such a great time at his party, he slept so good and is such a good little guy. 
I love him so much!

He LOVES his chocolate egg!

 He spent Thursday evening with us also, he sure loves all of his new toys.  I can't wait for Christmas this year.

He got his hair cut Friday, he looks so grown up,
 I will post pics soon.