Monday, August 30, 2021

AJ - Head Start 2021


I am one lucky Mamaw, I get to pick AJ up Wednesdays after school.  I couldn't sit still the whole day until it was time to pick him up.  

He had a great day and reported "AJ hungry" as he rubbed his belly! So of course he got a cheeseburger from McDonalds.  
He makes me so HAPPY!

Last Week

I still feel like it is last week! We are entering a very busy time at work right now. The students are shuffling in and getting ready to start classes Thursday. I have tons of photos to download and tell you all about our adventures. I have kept busy with birthdays, school starting and Roger and I have been putting lots of time working on our house.  And of course spoiling AJ, he started school last week, and he starts soccer this week and I can't even tell you how excited I am for them all.

Last week had a few downs also, we found Mr. Gray kitty dead, we have no clue what happened to him. America had a bad week also. I pray for the families who lost loved ones in Afghanistan, but especially the Army troop, as I have an Army Veteran husband.

My favorite field getting ready for Fall!



Friday, August 20, 2021

The Weekend


What a beautiful Friday morning!  Ready to get the weekend started and celebrate some special people in my life.  Ashton's family is having a party for Ali on Saturday evening, and we are having a small get together Sunday!  

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Fall is Almost Here

Time goes way too fast, I can't believe it is almost Fall. This is a busy birthday week for us, Roger on Saturday, Ali on Sunday and Christian's on the 25th.  Tonya's bday is the 23rd of this month, sure wish she was here. 

 AJ stayed all night Tuesday so I could keep him while Ali was at school Wednesday, his school starts next week.  Of course we had a great time, we played hot wheel city, dinosaurs and hide and go seek.  Kynedy came over and played outside with water balloons.  So happy I can take time off and spend it with my favorite people.

His new thing when the camera comes out!
Sweet Cheeto, he is getting so thin, I sure am enjoying the time he is still with us.


Sweet Girls


Off to college they go....

I am so PROUD of these young ladies!  

Thursday, August 12, 2021

It is a HOT One


Just some beautiful photos of the sunrise this week.  It sure has been a hot one, but soon Fall will be here.  

Hope you have a great day!

Monday, August 9, 2021

Rainy Day

Sending some beauty on a gloomy rainy day. 

I took these last week leaving work.  I had a great weekend, spent some time with AJ and Ali. Kynedy is in Florida soaking up some sun. I am looking forward to catching up with her when she returns.

This is at Ali's house, I broke down and put all of my bird feeders out this weekend, hopefully the virus is gone.


Friday, August 6, 2021


Just sharing some beauty this morning with you all, I hope it brings a smile to your face.  Things are crazy as can be in this world right now, and it doesn't seem to be slowing down yet. Go outside and enjoy nature and reach out to those you love,  time is precious!


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Tuesday Morning

Happy Tuesday!  The weather has been so nice the last few days, down right cool and pleasant. Roger and I spent a quiet evening having dinner while watching a couple of our shows.  He is fighting a tooth ache and I sure hope he gets it looked at soon (hint hint)!! Kynedy stopped by so we spent some time catching up with her, she is heading to Florida again before she starts classes.  Ali will be starting classes soon and AJ will go back to school, he is SO excited and asks to go everyday.  I am looking forward to spending Wednesday afternoons with him and having some more Saturday adventures this fall.

This is my favorite field I drive by in the mornings, some mornings it is just breathtaking. I stopped and thought about how blessed I am, as I photographed the beautiful fog in the sunlight. 

I hope you have a blessed day!



Monday, August 2, 2021

Monday Views


Just as I pulled into work
Would it be Monday morning in Terre Haute without having to wait on a  train?

Beautiful sunrise, the sun was bright pink!

Time Goes By


My sweet little man stayed all night this weekend.  We played dinosaurs, Hot Wheels City and hide and go seek.  He was so much FUN!  The weekends seem to fly right on by, before I know it I am back at work.  I think I am finally getting over my illness and starting to feel like myself again.  We do have to wear masks again while inside at work starting today....yuck. 

I really liked the filter on this picture, it looks like  fall.  Aj loves to hang out in the backyard!
Look at this sweet face!