Monday, September 12, 2011

TGIF - Friday, Spetember 9th, 2011

Wow what a week...since I had not been feeling well for almost three weeks, I was really looking forward to the weekend.  Even though it was TERRIBLY busy I felt at least I could rest up.  I did visit the doctor Friday morning and was prescribed some medication, so I was very hopeful.  Ali had plans to go to the movies that didn't pan out, so we all went out to dinner and stopped by the Shoe Dept.  to browse and buy the girls some much needed socks.  Dinner was great beside the fact we were all a bit grouchy from the long week behind us, it was great to sit down and relax together.  After dinner we headed home to rest and watch some TV.  I have been watching a spider on the porch make gorgeous webs every evening all summer long.  I was able to go out and get a couple photos, not sure he will be around much longer. 

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