Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Another Beautiful Sunrise

If you don't like sunsets and sunrises...leave now!! 
 This morning was another beautiful sunrise.  
If you notice the colors are so different than the ones i have posted days before.  
They are calling for rain today but so far it is a gorgeous day!

This photo is blurry but it gives it a water color look

Monday, September 23, 2019

Weekend Fun

This was the first Saturday in a long while that Ali was off work.  Roger was busy tearing out plaster, so I needed to get out of the way for a bit.  Ali, AJ and myself decided to take a trip to Sullivan to the Corn Fest to surprise Lexi!  She has been staying at the Ruth Recovery House, she is doing very good at the moment.  The look on her face and the HUGE hug I got was so worth the trip, I was so happy to see her, she looks great and I hope it continues.  It was a fun little festival that did not disappoint!  AJ got to play the ducky game and won a couple small stuffed animals, the Friends of the Library were there and he got the Teddy Bear Turn Around book for 50 cents! They were giving away roasted ears of corn covered in butter...YUM!!  Ali and I had marinated meat on a stick and couldn't help but try the fried oreos.  It turned out to be a great choice and it was a gorgeous day! 

 Ali and AJ stayed all night Saturday while Ashton stayed in Indy for the Colts game on Sunday. Ali worked Sunday so AJ, Kynedy and myself spent the day shopping and eating.  We stopped by Bath and Body to see Ali first then Kynedy needed jeans without holes for her new job at Dean's Party Mania, then ended with a pretzel.  I had an awesome weekend, it is just too short!

Lexi looks great, I am so proud of her! 
She was so happy to see us!

AJ having breakfast and watching Motown Magic!!

Playing in the kitchen with all of his toys!

I LOVE this photo!  

My Smart Girls

Yep, I am going to brag!  I consider myself blessed with my two intelligent, beautiful and witty girls, I have two of the very best friends ever! !  Life has been a whole lot of blessings with these two, and sweet AJ! 

Kynedy brought home a 4.0 report card last week, yes 4.0!!  I am so proud of her, she takes AP classes that are very hard, works and even took a trip to Florida missing school and still brought home a 4.0 report card.  I truly can't wait to see what she does in the future!

Ali has a had a great start to her Nursing Program, receiving an A for her first exam, passing her check list the first time, she is starting her clinicals this week and is very excited about the next year.  She is going to be a fabulous nurse!!  

As for AJ he is learning all kinds of new words, talking up a storm, starting to understand the commands you give him, and follows them one by one.  He is a very smart little guy! 
It is hard to believe he will be two next month.  

Friday, September 20, 2019

National Night Out

I took AJ to meet up with Aiden at the Wabash Valley National Night Out!  We had a great time, he could not wait to get to the booth with the balloons, I thought he was going to take every child's balloon on our way LOL!  He grabbed his balloon and held on to it for dear life.  They handed out popsicles, hot dogs, drinks and many more items.   
It was a great adventure for AJ and I.

He liked the police badge stickers!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

New Job

I am on my third month in my new job.  I am loving it so far, I really enjoy managing the 30 + students and am enjoying my new job duties.  You saw it here first my new Librarian photo with my new hair cut also. I have been blessed with many opportunities at Rose-Hulman.  

Can't wait to see what my 20th year has to offer!


Wednesday, September 18, 2019


I had to share this one. It was a gorgeous morning!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Saturday I took AJ for some fun at the Oktoberfest.  I met my mom, Christian, Brittany and Alan. AJ loved the schnitzel and had a blast dancing with his friend Steven!  

You can barely see my mom but she loves the Oktoberfest!!  I always went with my dad when he was living, it brings back tons of memories

Dancing away

AJ and his friend Steven

Bouncin Barn Fun

Kynedy and I took AJ to play at the Bouncin Barn last night.  
He had a blast!!

Going in for a basket!!

Sunday Sunset and a Hawk

I went out Sunday at sunset and took a few photos.

It was a golden/pinkish sunset

A hawk joined me watching the sunset

What a wonderful weekend I had!

Here Comes Fall

Although I like warmer weather I also like Fall!  The leaves are beautiful, AJ and I have birthdays, and I get to decorate for Halloween.  
It seems the world turns a golden color, the sunsets and sunrises are so vibrant this time of year, its time for soups, carmel apples and warm casseroles! 

I was able to get some deep cleaning done and decorate the front porch.

My Precious watching over the decorations. 

I am very thankful and blessed!!!