Monday, September 23, 2019

My Smart Girls

Yep, I am going to brag!  I consider myself blessed with my two intelligent, beautiful and witty girls, I have two of the very best friends ever! !  Life has been a whole lot of blessings with these two, and sweet AJ! 

Kynedy brought home a 4.0 report card last week, yes 4.0!!  I am so proud of her, she takes AP classes that are very hard, works and even took a trip to Florida missing school and still brought home a 4.0 report card.  I truly can't wait to see what she does in the future!

Ali has a had a great start to her Nursing Program, receiving an A for her first exam, passing her check list the first time, she is starting her clinicals this week and is very excited about the next year.  She is going to be a fabulous nurse!!  

As for AJ he is learning all kinds of new words, talking up a storm, starting to understand the commands you give him, and follows them one by one.  He is a very smart little guy! 
It is hard to believe he will be two next month.  

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