Monday, January 20, 2020

Weekends go by Quickly

The weekends just fly right on by!  Saturday I spent the day running around town shopping with Ali and AJ.  AJ was such a good little guy!  Roger and I had a great dinner planned only for the power to go out that evening!!  We headed to Applebees for food and warmth LOL. 

Every time I took a picture of Roger he was eating LOL.

Sunday, I met Donna at Willy's Townhouse for lunch, then she came over to visit for a bit after.  Catching up with her is one of my favorite things to do! I am so lucky to have always had her by my side!  I gave my neice a ride to the store, and stopped to have a cup of coffee with my mama later that evening.  Roger made our dinner that we had planned for Saturday and it was delicious!!

I took this on my way to work this morning, it was cloudy and freezing but the sky to east had a redish orange tint to it.   

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