Monday, May 9, 2022

Ali Graduates College

I have no words to explain my feelings watching Ali graduate.  I know all she went through to get to the finish line, and to say I am proud would be an understatement....I am a blessed momma to have such wonderful girls!! I am so thankful for her support system that helped her along the way!  

AJ was one very proud little guy, he cheered and clapped for his mommy the whole time, he truly is a sweetheart and behaved very well during the ceremony.  Ali had many family and friends show up to celebrate her.  

Looking forward to seeing what the future holds for her beautiful family! My heart is so full!

Sweet Kynedy decorated Ali's cap!

He behaved so well!

She is one special young lady!

Love this family

My whole heart
Ali has some wonderful friends

I LOVE my family
So happy Grandma Shelby could join us!

Grandpop loves his little man
She loves Ali so much, so thankful for Monique!

Such a kind, smart, and beautiful young lady!


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