Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Birthday Week

This is what I like to call AJ and I's birthday week!  I turn 52, yes 52, this year will be a hard one emotionally for me as my father was just 53 when he passed.  He and I had a very close bond and my world changed drastically when he passed.  There are so many things I wish I had the chance to experience with him. 

AJ turns 5, the BIG 5, we celebrate Saturday with a Mario party. As I look back on the last 5 years it seems they have just flown by.  AJ is so kind, loving, generous, caring, well behaved and has a great sense of humor, I LOVE the little guy he is becoming.  

Our family has some big moments coming up soon, a ring ceremony and wedding festivities, no date yet just planning.  

Below are two silhouette photos I took just before sunrise this morning.  It was so peaceful! Enjoy the day.



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