Monday, October 3, 2022

Soccer Sunday with AJ

This Sunday was the best!  AJ was so ready to play soccer and gave it his all, at around 5 minutes left he was too tired.  I was so very proud of him and how hard he played, of course it would be a game mom and dad were not able to make.  Monique, Keeya, myself and Sincere cheered AJ on during the game.  Scroll down to see the sweetest photo of AJ and his coach!

After the game Nani picked up McDonalds for AJ and he spent the afternoon at his Nani's with Sincere.

  It was the perfect soccer Sunday!

Keeya and Sincere watching AJ

THIS!  This just melts my heart, AJ is truly such a sweetheart!

Playing his Switch while we wait for Nani and Keeya.


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