Friday, October 28, 2011

Charity Disco

Thursday evening turned out to be CRAZY for us.  When the week started all that was planned for Thursday was a basketball game, by Tuesday Kynedy had a disco to attend and Ali's last soccer game was rescheduled for Thursday evening also.  Needless to say with help from friends I was able to have the girls at their events.  I only missed the first half of Ali's soccer game.  It was the first time Kynedy's school had sponsored a disco, you could wear your costume or not and as you see Kynedy wore a dress.  I picked up Erika from after school care, got the girls ready ran and picked up 2 other friends of Kynedy's dropped them at school and made a mad dash to the soccer field.  Here are the girls all ready for the evening of dancing and games!!

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