Monday, October 24, 2011

Two more weeks of soccer!

Actually only one more week of soccer, it is bittersweet for me, I enjoy the time with girls away from the TV and other vices, but miss my time at home....before I know it spring season will begin LOL!!!  And of course we are just coming into basketball season!   We have been very fortunate and have had awesome weather, it started out a bit sketchy on Sunday with sprinkles but by time we arrived at the fields it was clear and dry!! YAY!!!
The coin toss!
Go Kynedy, she played her old team again we won 4 to 5, this is the second time we have beaten them.
Yep she took a tumble, got a bit of a grass burn!
Her coach helping her off the field after her fall!
Great job Kynedy!!!
Ali checking cleats and shin guards!
Coin toss!!
She looks so SERIOUS!!  Love you Ali!
My sweet girl hanging with me while Ali refs!

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