Friday, April 10, 2020

Good Friday

As I woke up this morning, I couldn't help but think of past Easter Sundays, we always celebrated holidays with family.  I was truly blessed to grow up next door to my aunt and uncle who I accompanied to church for many years.  It was a small church off of Grotto Road and it had a congregation of less than 50.  I always enjoyed my time worshipping the Lord there.  I sent AJ's Easter basket and some filled eggs home with Ali. I hate not spending the day with my family, I will for sure be rescheduling the celebrations to a later date.   

Luke 9:1 

And he called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases 

Wednesday the weather was perfect for me, it was around 80 to 85 and sunny.  I have worked from home now for 3 weeks which is not fun for an extrovert, so I grabbed my camera and went out exploring for a bit.  I was just missing my sweet little guy AJ.

 Mr. Big
 Collett Park

 Meadows Manor window.  I am participating in Hearts for Vigo County, if I can get my work done I hope to go out and find more.

 Wabash River area

 Mill Dam area

I love this photo

 Very close
 I love the graffiti on train cars

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